
Saturday 7 June 2014

C6.Q7 EU Prophecy 1,000 Days

Due to the Amsterdam prophecy that I was given about it getting bigger in a 1,000 days, and the 1,000 days culminating on the 6th July, 2014. I looked to see if Nostradamus gave anything with the numeric of 6 and 7 and I found this.


Norway and Dacia and the British Isle
Will be vexed by the united brothers:
The Roman chief sprung from Gallic blood
And his forces hurled back into the forests.

Clearly, this is to do with Europe and what is going on in Europe. With a name like David Cameron, he clearly has Gallic blood. Many are also saying that it is the beginning of the end of the Liberal Democrats in the UK, due to the outcome of the recent council elections.

United brothers could indicate the trade unions in Europe, as they do unite throughout Europe to defend the people. In Europe there has also been a swing to the right due to immigration as well.

Nostradamus gave the quatrain numeric of 6 and 7 and the 1,000 days prophecy has the end date, of the 6th July. The 6th of July, is the 'Day of Desire'.  When the new millennium began, there was some research carried out in Europe, and Europeans were no longer motivated by 'desire' for things, and happiness outside of themselves. They found that Europeans were motivated by the essentials of well-being, that is what they were asking for. Well-being.

Now its interesting that Prophet Isaiah gave a prophecy that peace would be their governor and well-being their ruler. He also knew that yours truly would be born on an Island, and it would be revealed after my son Jordan was born. She was found on the galilee of the gentiles, on the circuit with the spiritual community.

Remember the summer rose and Rosie paintings? How about the rates painting? EU are recommending an increase of rates on those that have bigger properties in the UK. Clearly, that would also impact on those in other parts of Europe as well. It looks like there's going to be some major shake-ups.

However, I like the forests and the trees of life.

Jesus is with me as I write this and its hot!

The verse of the day is thus:

'Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are elohiym. A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.' Psalm 90:2-4 

The psalm spoke of the numbering of days, so that they could gain a heart of wisdom, and wisdom is mentioned in Rev 13. Wisdom that was called to do the count on the man, featured in the prophecy. In fact, there are three people mentioned in that prophecy. The 3rd, the 4th, and then wisdom. In my humble view, the 3rd is Obama and the 4th is Pope Francis and the Jesuits. 

No surprise then that there has just been G7, and the numeric of seven was in the Opal dream. It mentioned something that would happen in around a week at the time of the me finding the rocks. It also showed two women going in opposite directions. Prior to the man of love arriving for his heart to be blessed.

Then yesterday, there was news of a 'robbery' at a jewellers in Scotland.  Pretty accurate that, if you bear in mind, this is the astro month of Gem-In-I, and it happened in the first week of June.  

Psalm 78:41 speaks of how again and again, they put elohiym to the test, and vexed the holy one of Israel. What is 'vexing' to the holy Spirit? War and the violence that it manifests, is the opposite to the peace of the holy Spirit. 

Hence, as I have written, the watching of events in America, are over. Daughter Zion, can no longer watch their wars against each other, or the bloodshed of their executions of each other.  

I had a beautiful mandala come in last night for a new forum, and when I sat down to spread the paint, the LORD said,  'Farmers' and there is a biblical prophecy about those that would say that they are farmers.

No surprise then that daughter Zion lives in the peace of the countryside, on what was farming land. Prophet Zephaniah also predicted that the Virgin would return to the spiritual community of light after her struggle with 60 just ones against Obama.  

However, if the EU got their way, they would build on every piece of countryside. David Cameron and  the EU shall not have our forests. Simple as that!  

The other interesting aspect is that my life cycle is in a year six, and my life number is 7, the same life cycle numeric as Jesus.  It is the numeric of the spiritual teacher, and the prophecies spoke of the teaching and what was being explained. Isaiah 28 also mentions the Spirit of Justice that comes in this timeline for the one that sits in judgment. How the Spirit of justice helps those that turn back the battle from the gate.  No coincidence then, that the prophecies predicted that salvation is at the gates of daughter Zion.

2014 is also a seven year.  


  1. Severe Fire at Carpetright in Belfast.

  2. On the 27th May, Yahweh spoke of it getting bigger again.

  3. Wow! I was born in Gemini, on 6/7/1972. I'm a farmer, albeit highly advanced by way in comparission to what it truly understood about agriculture. I keep being told things are happening for very goood reason. Question nothing of the Fathers' motives. So i won't. Even when my America is put to ruin, i know why it must happen. His will is being done, i beg for forgiveness to those who "know not what they do".

    I wish i could leave this land of incidious beasts and demons. But it seems my love is a weapon in dire need. So many Eli!!! Those who once turned their backs to me, are now begging for me to help, forgive, and advice them.

    What!? Sometimes it is all so confusing sometimes. But for the life of me, i seem to smile and laugh more than ever, and my heart overflows.

    Eliakim you are wisdom. Even an ocean apart can not contain my loyalty and only help witb the tsunami of love. Don't worry about America, its time has come. May the Lord shelter his people with in the confines of this nation crippled by sickness.

    You should cook or eat something very special today Eli.

    Love eternal, Mitch


  4. Thank you Mitch, I had a beautiful day at the beach on Sunday. I really caught the sun on my body, it was like being on holiday. My friend brought us a seafood platter and salad, and we had some wine. It was lovely to spend time together relaxing in the sunshine, and a little walk on the beach with our temple dog.

    Towards the end of the day, I began to ponder on the man in the dream, as I shared about going to the beach prior to going, then suddenly the golden foot of Jesus appeared before me. Then again, and again.

    Heart overflowing with love is good Mitch.
