
Monday 9 June 2014


The numeric of 1,000 days keeps on coming up. There was the message about the 1,000 days for Amsterdam, and how it would get bigger, that comes to its culmination on the 6th July, 2014.

The date links into the C6.Q7 Nostradamus prophecy that relates to Europe.

The numeric of 1,000 was mentioned in the 'Designer Dream', that followed the dream to do with babies and baby clothes. Babies have been in the news in the UK following after receipt of the prophetic painting being received. Followed by the dream about the countryside, the publisher, and the chocolate.

On the chocolate that was wrapped in gold, it had the word, PRESIDENT. Since that time, Cadbury's have been taken over by an American company.

Then yesterday, I was discussing the connection between a friend's intention, and a man that owns a design company where we live.  It feels like all the information, contained in the dreams, that relate to this numeric of 1,000 is coming together. My friend at the beach, was also talking about America.

In the designer dream when a woman mentioned the 1,000 pounds, it was to do with the cost of shipping.  She spoke of how it had cost a 1,000, to send everything to and from Australia.  She wasn't happy that I had spent a 1,000 on shipping.

However, I explained to her, that I was hoping, that I wasn't coming back to England. However, it proved to be to do with wandering, and Jesus came to get me to bring me home.

There is an ancient Christian text, that speaks about the wandering of the followers of Jesus. It speaks of the Apostles and the prophets, and how he called them Lords. That explains why he gave me the name Lotus Feet, after my return from the mission to Israel in 2006.

Then in the Dead Scrolls, the numeric of 1,000, is to do with Joseph, the mother of Joseph and his family came to England from Holland.  Joseph and the coat of many colors. Joseph had many sons, and his youngest was the humanitarian, charitable and merciful one. He was the one that was killed due to what they did to him. The RAB, Son of Joseph.

In the prophecies Jesus spoke of what would happen when the landowner returned, how he would send his sons, the first was beaten, the second was killed, the third was stoned. Three generations of men from the line of Joseph, whose ancestors originally lived in Amsterdam.

This gematria link connects the numeric of 1,000 with the Alef.

This link says that Shiloh is the messiah, and as we know, water is feminine.

That links into the Isaiah 8 timeline, and the prophecy that predicted that salvation is at the gates of daughter Zion.

Now in the dream of the scorpion that jumped up to hold my forefinger, I shook off the scorpion. Also after I had that dream, I was given the name Maureen. In the American news today, there is an article about Maureen and the rocky mountain high. Maureen Dowd and Marijuana. She also works in publishing like Rupert Murdock that was in the dream of the countryside, and the publisher. It was Rupert that gave me the chocolate, with the word President on it.,0,1158921.column

That finger goes to the mount of Jupiter, upon which a great star is engraved in the lines of my right hand. Since the early 90's, that star has grown, and grown bigger. I was once told that it is very rare to see, and the woman that spoke of it in London, said she had only ever seen pictures of it in books. I asked her what it meant, and she said it was to do with having a relationship, with someone who was well known.

Jupiter is also mentioned in this link with a numeric that is associated with Jesus.

During the week, Jesus said that a response would come on Sunday. Then while I was at the beach, I began to ponder on a friend that had appeared before me in a dream, then all of a sudden, the golden foot of Jesus appeared before me, not once, but three times.

Jesus had given me his response, exactly as he said he would during the week. As he said, where two are gathered in my name, there I shall be.

In Greek gematria, the word for Lord has the gematria value of 1,000.  'Kurios.' It is also the value for the Greek word for ''Government'. In the biblical texts, Joseph was a governor, and so was Eliakim. Prophet Isaiah also predicted that peace would be their governor and well-being their ruler.

When the new millennium began, there was European research done, and the researchers discovered that people in Europe, were asking for well-being.  That was more important to them, than anything else. For good health is the greatest wealth.

When I was pondering on the life of Rosie, when she spoke to me, she also spoke about a 1,000 pounds. That was before I left for Australia. Being in Australia was an incredibly healthy time. I used to sit in the sun for two hours everyday. When I returned to England, people said I looked ten years younger.

In the 80's, I sold an antiques business for 1,000 pounds. Hence, the numeric of 1,000, keeps on cropping up, connected with yours truly, and the name of Joseph as mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

A sun tan always makes people feel good and healthy, the sun gives us that feel good factor, due to the power that it has on our well-being.  Hence, my joy is living in the sunshine, because that is when I feel most healthy and energetic.

In the rock dream, two women were going in different directions. In the 'spider-scorpion' dream, I shook off the scorpion, that was trying to get to the star in my right hand.

In the biblical prophecies, the glorious arm is at the right hand of Moses. The prophecies also spoke of a Spirit of justice coming for daughter Zion. In the prophecies about Joseph in the Dead Sea scrolls, it was written that only one in a thousand could stand in integrity before Joseph.

I once received a message from grandfather Joseph, he was chuckling, and he said to me, 'Whoever would've thought it, that the little girl that had ice cream put in her face, would be the one to defend Israel'.

When I had a meeting with Amnesty, the first question the woman asked me was 'Are you a clairvoyant?' The second question she asked me, 'Are you Jewish?'. 

I responded, yes to the first question, and yes to the second question, I am a clairvoyant, I do have some Jewish blood running in my veins. Then of course, there was the usual conversation about the Israeli situation. I asked her, have you ever walked upon the land of Israel?, she had to admit that she hadn't. 

I then shared with her, that I had walked upon that land for five weeks. I had been blessed to bless it.  How can anyone know the heart of Israeli's, unless they've been there, and connected with their hearts?

Same with America, the LORD sent me to you, and you to me. 

End of conversation! 

1 comment:

  1. Rock cave rescue drama in Germany. 1,000ft
