
Friday 13 June 2014


In recent weeks, I keep on seeing a graphic that is associated with Osho and its to do with 'Mastery of the Physical' and they call it,  ' Zorba the Buddha', and 'King of the Rainbows'.

Sometimes I see the graphic when I open my eyes in the morning. Sometimes before I go to sleep as well.  The graphic does remind me of Robert in Greece, and other healers that I have met over the years.  Some of them are built like Hercules, including the Israeli's,  and it reminds me of grandfather Joseph. As tall as a tree in Lebanon.

I can't say that I agree with Osho on it, due to the divine teachings that I was blessed to receive that counteract what Osho was teaching.

However, he was a funny character, and many loved him. He certainly challenged people. Intense and fiery, he says. I have met a few of his students over the years, and his seed certainly sprouted into new trees.

I've only ever read one little book of his, due to being divinely guided to do so. It was one of those little books that you give to a friend to read, and that's the last you see of it. My view of Osho is that he was a brilliant actor and comedian. Author Peter Lorie put forward Osho as the prophet that Nostradamus wrote about. However, Osho didn't fit the prophecies given by Nostradamus.

He was probably the best spiritual comedian to ever grace the planet with his presence. Waking up to a graphic of the king of rainbows does make me smile, and there are times when the LORD does work in mysterious ways.  Prophet Isaiah did predict that wonders will never cease, and every rainbow is a wonder to me.

Seeing the Osho graphic repeatedly, could certainly indicate that the rainbow warriors are ready, and  Zorba is to do with Greece. Last I heard, one of Osho's students, a healer who is very well known in the healing community, is living in the Greek Islands.  So are the Zorba Buddhas calling me? Anything is possible.

Comments on this sannyas news link are good for a laugh.

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