
Friday 13 June 2014


In 2011 there was a 'Honey Street' crop circle, and a link is on the 'Lamb -v- Scorpion' post.

Today, there is divine providence. Friday the 13th and a rare HONEY MOON. The last time this moon was seen was in 1919, and at that time, grandfather Joseph was on the planet living in London.

Does 1919 remind you of Rev 19 in this year of the horse?

The 13th of June is the 'Day of Adventure'.

13 is the Hebrew gematria for the word 'Love', and The One', in Hebrew.

13 is also the date of the birth of daughter Zion, the daughter of the RAB, the Son of Joseph. An Aquarian water bearer for an Aquarian Age. No surprise then that my moon sign is in GEM-IN-I, and this is the astro month of Gemini, the twins. The sign of the communicator ruled by Mercury.  As we know, the wondrous woman from heaven mentioned in Rev 12, has the moon under her feet. In more ways than one.

In Greece, while I was giving healing to two different people,  I was given the word JUNO, and this is the month of June. Both of those guys had American passports. Coincidence?

So what were the events that followed the 1919 honey moon?

In 1919, there was anarchy in America and Rev 19:19 is about the rider on the horse.

Interesting, I have just seen that an official responsible for Michael's probate, has posted on this blog asking for information. Michael who was born in South Africa, and lived in America, is mentioned in the book of Daniel, and so is the Prince of Greece. Michael always used to write to me and say, 'You are the one'. June is also the anniversary of his passing.  It seems so long ago now, like a different lifetime.  Incredible that it should be brought to my attention again, today, of all days.

'Thank you for contacting me Allen. Can justice be done for Michael? Tell me this Allen, why didn't the American police force do what was upright when his Lady contacted them? Why did they not investigate why an incredibly wealthy man, was living in such poverty? Why did they not investigate the 'criminal negligence' and 'corporate manslaughter?'  

I recommend that you read this blog for starters.'

Michael's Plans prior to the 'Constructive Manslaughter'.

Then recently there was the antelope that appeared, and in the email about Michael's plans, he mentions the deer.

A radio interview was done for Michael and Michael's case for an American radio outlet. It is all on record. 

Can justice be done for Michael, where is the Spirit of Justice for daughter Zion?

The earth will disclose the blood shed on it; the earth will conceal its slain no longer." Isaiah 26:21

Jesus was correct when he said 'There is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open." Luke 8:17 

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