
Thursday 12 June 2014


After the sunshine friends painting was uploaded, The heavenly Father said,  what sounded like Nubi. Hence this post is related to that, it does relate to prophecies and prophethood. There is also a Nubi language in Uganda, in Africa. 

Afterwards, I went to look and another warning dream prediction could be seen in the British news. The warning given on the 18th May about young people and parties. 

Also, in recent days, the 'shaking off of the Scorpion' dream from my finger also manifested. It turned out to be an American orthodox Christian.  Was I surprised? No. You never know what you might find on farms, especially American ones. Remember all that GMO, and what it has done to the people and its nation. 

There are many different realities that relate to NUBI, including NUBIA. 

I like the word 'NUBI' it has far reaching consequences. Do you remember what happened in Uganda, how the Israeli's carried out an amazing rescue operation, when they went to retrieve the hostages that were held at the airport. 

Before I left for Israel on the first mission, I received a full briefing. Archangel Gabriel spoke to me, Jesus came and blessed me, Melchizedek spoke to me, and Mother Mary spoke to me.  Mary shared with me that I would be shown some children, some orphans while I was there. I didn't go looking for the children, I just waited to see what the LORD would manifest. Near the end of the three weeks in Israel. I was meditating in the sunshine, in the swimming pool. 

While I was there, I asked where are the orphan children that you said that I would meet. Mary replied, 'open your eyes.'  When I opened my eyes,  I was surrounded by disabled children, some of the children had slipped into the pool silently. Others had arrived, and they were jumping into the pool of love. They were so happy, and so was I, I just kept beaming the love into the water and to the children.

Mary said, 'The Angels are sorry now, they know that you did your very best'

Some might wonder what she is speaking about. 

IMHV, she is speaking about Iraq.

My son came to speak to me last night, he came to speak to me about what is happening in Iraq. The healing Angels that have known me since the Americans set foot on that land, are fully aware of the sheer effort that was put in, to help the world. We all knew what would happen when the Americans pulled out, another reason why wisdom was sent to do the count. Some might remember the countdown. All know what they chose, prior to August 2011. So now Americans will watch their co-creation and the consequences of their choices unfold. The American dream, and the felicity that has crumbled.

The LORD warned them about the vulcanic energy, we warned them about it being a time of recovery or extinction. When I was in the USA, I saw the fires.  I also had a dream, and in that dream a woman had been imprisoned.  She was asked, 'how are we going to get you out of there'.  She replied, 'I have to finish the book and look after my son'. 

In 2013, in the four directions vision, in the south was the red tap dancing shoes. In the north was a rabbit with big loppy ears. To the left of me was a bow and its arrows turned into fireworks. To the right of me, there was another bow and the arrows turned into a parachute.  Like a parachute in a James Bond movie, and it looked like a rescue operation was about to begin. The other day, the heavenly Father also spoke of the bow while I was responding to an American Christian. There are many prophecies about the bows and the arrows. Maybe there will be another post on that. 

I once wrote a poem called, 'I had a dream'. So this mandala is for English dreams.  It feels like Robert has received his  paintings, and the healing meditation of the heart, mentioned in the prophecies. May he receive all the divine healing blessings, that the divine wish to bestow upon him. 

Can you hear the words 'Moving On' being sung? I can. Its very sunny here right now with sunshine friends . 

What else  do we have on nubi?

"En ta paume, mon verbe et ma pensée" 
("In the palm of your hand, my word and my thoughts.")

'The goal of integrating art into daily life'.

A progressive movement.

There is a Nubi Corners UK blog.
It seems the last time a post was made on that blog was in 2011.

Nubi can also be found in Italian.

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