
Monday 23 June 2014


This morning when I woke up, I saw a yellow mandala and it kept on arising in my third eye. It kept on coming and coming, and coming. At least three times. The mandala had incredible form, vast intricacy, and huge depth and breadth to it. It was really, really powerful, like looking at a picture right in front of your face.

It was a master artwork, painting by a master artist, and it looked like it had been painted in oils. I would love to paint what I saw. However, I didn't feel, I could really do justice to what I saw, due to its sheer beauty, glory, design and artistry technique. As I said, what I saw, had been created by a master artist.

The LORD and his creation, absolutely perfect in its creation. So is an artist sending me his/her mandala for the energy that it empowers?

I did once meet a Buddhist mandala artist in Greece, lovely chap. However to reconnect with him, I would have to get on face book, and I am not going there. Although, I do have his email address written down, and a connection with the healing centre in Greece, where he was living when I had the honor to meet him. He travels around the world painting, so he could be living anywhere now.

After I saw the yellow mandala, I then saw the King of Rainbows again, so it is definitely to do with the environment.

Then while I was making an avocado and mayo sandwich, and coffee, I looked out of the kitchen window, and I saw a 'double scorpio' in the white clouds.

Joe Biden and Hilary Clinton were both born in the sun sign of Scorpio. As we know, the 'Scorpions' are mentioned in the book of Revelation, and those that know, know what the democrats co-create. It also reminds me of the 'Spider-Scorpion' dream that I had when the 'scorpion jumped up to grab my finger' that goes to the mount of Jupiter with the star on it.

If you remember, in the dream, I managed to 'flick the scorpion off of my finger.'  The event that followed the dream, turned out to be do with American orthodox Christians, and I made a post called, 'Lamb -v- Scorpion'.

So let us see what happens with the yellow energy, as sunshine yellow is to do with creativity.

Its a great color to paint, anywhere that creativity is being created, its also a great color for kitchens.

I've painted two kitchens that beautiful sunshine yellow. Its also a color associated with Buddhists and Buddhism, yellow is one of the colors that I was instructed to wear, when this bodhisattva was teaching Reiki.

An alert was also issued to the Buddhists after the Malaysian flight fiasco, and as we know, the ferry event happened after that.

I will be sending healing to a friend this evening, so I can see the link with this. It would be a powerful energy of creativity, to send to his heart and third eye, to compel his heart and mind to express his creativity awesomely. Healing isn't just about sending love energy and focus, it is much more than that.  Of course, you have to have permission of the person that you intend to send the energy to remotely.

Are the mandalas also connecting me with the Buddhist artists in the super conscious fields?  Or am I being asked, to refine my spreading of the paint? Let's see what evolves. What I was given today was truly awesomeness, the way that it arose, again, and again.  All I could say was, WOW,  sometimes words just cannot describe, what you have been gifted with.

We also find the mandala in spiritual symbology and author J.C. Cooper shares this with us. I will share a little, as she has written a whole page on it, page 103. An illustrated encyclopedia of traditional symbols.

'It is a pattern of existence' and it can be related to meditation visualization. It is also the 'imago mundi', the enclosure of sacred space and penetration to the sacred centre'. 'Totality; the microcosm, cosmic intelligence, integration'. Qualitatively, the mandala represents Spirit quantitively, it is existence. Funny, I wrote today how the Israeli's had spoken of my name meaning,"Completion of truth exists".

'It can also be symbolic of the centre of power, a circumscribed area that is safe'. 'The centre is the Sun, or sky door, a means of access to the heavens'. 

Great confirmation.

What else is going on with the word, YELLOW? It seems that yellowstone in the USA, is erupting.

Rev 9:17, mentions the horses and this is the year of the horse. It also mentions how the heads of the horses, resemble heads of lions, and out of their mouths, comes fire, smoke, and sulphur. The breastplates of the riders have fiery red, dark blue, and yellow. 

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