
Monday 23 June 2014


On the 28th November, 2014. The LORD spoke of the 'Coma', today, he is speaking of man that is 'Swooning'.

I must admit, my memory and concentration seems to have improved, and enhanced a lot since I wrote that post in November. Although, I still have an 'aver-sion', to the material world, due to what those that live in it, do to each other.

Remember the number of the man in Rev 13, adds up to 18, and that is the soferim  of 'materialism striving to destroy spirituality'. Rev 18 also applies to the USA and so does Rev 17. America is the only nation that fits the criteria, of the prophecies in those two chapters.

Wisdom with insight was called to do the count and so she did. Obama was only elected once, one presidential term, there are those that know, what they did to the election in 2012.

Jeremiah 4 explains what is happening on the planet due to war, and how make-up, will not save those that stood against daughter Zion. The people must circumcise their hearts.

The word 'swooning', as different definitions. Modern day, in England, it is a word that is usually related to romance, and relationships, people swoon over each other. Ever seen a person swoon over a puppy, like I did with those adorable puppies in my dream? Or how about, how people swoon over new born babies, such infectious joy? Didn't they swoon when Obama became president the first time, they even gave him the nobel peace prize, not so many of those voters swooning over him now, is there?

However, the word as many different meanings, and 'swooning', gave me a reason to look into it further, I discovered that the word can be related to, or follow a 'coma'. Like when a person comes out of a coma, or operation Weary from defending the defence of the dynamic self-healing system, the light within, and or the tree of life. They can be weary of life, or health conditions, just like the beggar mentioned in Luke 16.

One of first things I did when I was sent to help Americans in 2007, was share an article (that had been divinely instructed) that gave a rainbow of hope to the weary.


The dictionary also gives a different definition of 'fainting', and that can happen due to spending too much time in the sun, when it is very hot, and the testimony of warning as been delivered, that is going to be a hot summer.

Or if a person receives news, that is a 'shock' to their nervous system. Hence it can be due to overheating, or over-firing of the meridians. Like when the fuse box goes if there are too many appliances on at the same time, its to do with the energetic wiring of the temple. That holds the light within it.

It takes a huge amount of power, to co-create an emergency situation, and we have a saying in England, 'Don't make a drama, out of a crisis'. The Science of Appliance, was a brilliant campaign. Thumbs up, to British creativity. It reminds me of a three year old, that clicked his fingers, and said, 'look auntie, I have the power in my hand'. To the child, it was symbolic of showing me the flame of light in his thumb. I had taught that child how to feel the energy of shrubs, trees, and flowers, and he grew up to study farming. Such a pure, innocent and willing heart. So intelligent, a cosmic baby that brought such supreme joy to my heart.

Then there was the post on 'Shock Immobility', posted recently. I do not take any prescribed medication, I only take natural remedies when instructed,  or I feel compelled to do so. (Although I have taken some pain killers, if and when it was essential, to give my body a rest from working over-time).

For instance, when the Lute of Lovingkindness asked me to have some vinegar in 2013. So I poured it on salads, bread, and cooked recipes with balsamic, balsamic is biblical. I also added cinnamon to rice when I was instructed to take that. I know that I am divinely guided with the recovery, for divine purpose, and I trust the LORD and his Son, with all of my heart. The power of perfect love is awesomeness, and I am in perfect peace with it, as the peaceful governor was born to be.

Jeremiah 4, mentions the 'fainting', of daughter Zion and how make-up will not save those that stood against her. I do remember 'fainting', although I referred to it as 'collapsing', at the time. It was in the early 90's, after receiving some news while I was in my office. At the time, I was simply overwhelmed by the news that I had received, and it 'devastated' both my son and I.  That was prior to the self-healing journey that took me onto the highway of holiness, the narrow spiritual path of mashiach.

I also 'crashed', in the summer of 2012, due to circumstances that had impacted upon me from the earthly world.  However, prophet Daniel did predict it would happen, and I was cut off from phone and internet for awhile, just like Michael was. It was a culmination of events that followed the bereavement in 2010.

The time of recovery has been an important phase, of increasing wisdom and the health insights, in many different realities. How can a person live in a world that does not understand or appreciate the circumstances of the tragedies involved? Have you experienced a tragedy? How could they understand, unless they had walked in the sandals of a bodhisattva, that has walked the spiritual path of mashiach?

That is why I cherish those that do truly understand me, I've done my utmost to help myself, and others who might find themselves living in such circumstances. Daughter Zion and the outcasts, prophecy did predict that the LORD would save the lame, and the beggar in 2014, was such a person.

Thank goodness, that it is the nature of Elijah, to be rescued and taken up again.  Over and over it happens, just like it describes in Rev 12 and Micah 4.  Arisen, in the power of love after she dusted off her feet. Like the phoenix rising from the ashes.

Just like the rescue mentioned in Luke 16, when the comforter was there for the beggar, after the dog licking. The dog licking happened in February, 2014.



What interests me about this is that 'swooning', has been discussed by scholars, in regard to Jesus, and what happened to him. Some scholars write that Jesus was in the swoon, when he was removed from the cross. They describe it like Jonah being in the belly of the whale, like being 'unconscious'.

Psychologist, Carl Jung, had a pretty good appreciation of the 'unconscious', although he did not go far enough with the fields of the light that mystics and prophets experience.  In my experience, it is the energetic fields known as the 'unconscious',  that holds the memories of past lives. Those memories can also impact on this life time, and its actions unconsciously.  As Europeans said after WW2, 'Never Again'. For the actions of the fathers impact on the next 3-4 generations.

Sometimes, the result of trauma (depending on its seriousness) is the fact that, sometimes, some of the soul energy flips out, due to how fragile and sensitive it is. For instance, after car accidents, or after an operation, sometimes, not all of the energy returns to the body.

Do you know what they say? 'You're mad'. Seriously, would I be writing this blog post, if I cared what other people thought of me? It takes a heart of humility, to carefully for the truth that can help others to understand the nature of existence, and the spiritual law of its prophets. As Jesus said, 'My heart is humble', you have to be humble, to devote your life to God and his divine will. Jesus was bold wasn't he, and I can be just as bold, as he taught me to be in the power of love.

Some scholars cite words from Deuteronomy, to support their hypothesis, that God would never allow a true prophet to be so 'brutally murdered', and that 'hanging' on a 'cross is a curse upon humanity.'.

As we know in the history of America, people were strung up on a tree. The same has happened in Islamic countries in modern times to gay people. Prophet Isaiah predicted that their 'covenant with death is annulled', in this timeline. The LORD also asked for mercy, not sacrifice.

However, the biblical prophecies also say that the LORD put a boundary in place, and they cannot cross it. He put an ocean between us, for the LORD wraps himself in the light. America is preparing for war again, and Jeremiah 4, has a lot to say about that. It tells them to circumcise their hearts.


In 2013, I received the four direction visions, and there were archers and bows in the directions of East and West. In the North there was a white rabbit with loppy ears, and in the South, there was the little red tap shoes. Its no coincidence that Sarah Palin, USA, was born in the year of the rabbit, and she does live in North America. Joe Biden and Hilary Clinton are also Scorpio's, and the scorpions are mentioned in the book of Revelation.

There is a lot of dancing happening in Brazil, with the World Cup, and that could account for the red tap shoes, Latin America, does love to dance, I love to dance as well. Jeremiah 4, mentions the horseman, and 2014 is the year of the horse. Do you remember the festival mandala and how we asked people to pray for the children?

Did you turn your hearts to the children yet? Did you see the radiant hand, while you had the opportunity to do so?

Did you listen to Moshe and the prophets?

So who is this man that is swooning?

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