
Wednesday 25 June 2014


As I see the 'gun and knife crime' increase at an incredible rate and nations in 'self-destruction' exactly as prophet Malachi predicted would happen in the last days of the end times. If they did not turn their hearts to the children, and do the will of the LORD, destruction of the nations was predicted. In the teachings of the elect, Jesus prayed, may the dark vision of the future, not come to be.

My heart of love is concerned about the 'Forlorn' Knights, that the LORD brought to my attention, due to the emergency of it. Prophecy did predict that Daughter Zion would defend the outcasts. For I shall not judge them due to  my awareness of the social engineering that has happened on this planet. Social engineering that began, even during pregnancy. The deeds of the fathers impact on the next 3-4 generations.

Today, it reminds me of this song that was recommended, and it is called, 'NIGHT NURSE'.

That then reminds me of a vision that I was given of a nurse while I was writing to Holland. 

In 2010, I wrote a post called, 'Lady and the Lamp - The Nightingale'. It mentions how poets viewed the nightingale bird, as the "Master of a Superior Art that could inspire the human poet". 

'When it is a life or death situation it is time for the nurse'.


24th June, 2014.

The original post also mentions the 'Crimean War' and Florence Nightingale.

Yesterday, I put on one of my orange outfits,

that I used to wear while teaching Reiki.

She wore the coat of many colors as ordained to do.

The cloth has a beautiful energy, due to to it only being worn,

in a sacred and holy spaces, filled with love beyond measure.

Its also a color of the buddhist monks,

 the bodhisattva, compassion and mercy.

The LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for mercy.

From this seat of mercy, mercy is given,

 and is called upon to take compassionate action.

The overseer of souls, to send healing to the 'Forlorn' Knights.

May the Masters of the Superior Art inspire the creative poet in their hearts.

May they be inspired and compelled,

by creativity and the power of healing love, instead of sexuality.

May the love beyond measure,

that was poured out upon the 'Forlorn' outcasts inspire them.

May they be inspired and energized to innovate change,

by the night nurse of healing, to heal their souls.

May the will of the LORD be done for the healing of the outcasts.

For he wraps himself in the light of love to help them.

May our healers be noble in holiness.

May they always be strong in heart and Spirit of the 'Radiant Hand'.

May peace be their governor, and well-being their ruler.

May they stand with daughter Zion in the purest of intention,

to transform the 'way of sorrow' to the 'way of love'.

The 25th June is the 'Day of Receptivity'.

The light of the lamp that lights up the way of love. 

The oil of love and its lanterns of light that brings hope to humanity.

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