
Monday 19 May 2014


Just read the news, that a male Danish moderator from the CT community as passed over rather quickly with 'cancer', and some are  questioning the truth of it. 

While reading about it, I was given SPIRITUAL LAW. I've put up the bed covering pic because it is like the Danish flag.  

My best memory of Galaxy was the start of the herring season, we both like herring, and I have been eating some this week. Apart from that, the only thing that Galaxy and I had in common, was the fact that we both love animals and were concerned about what is happening to many of the species on the planet.  At least he went out with a comet. 


Interesting that Galaxy was involved in the daughter Zion, birthday announcement thread, and he did nothing about those that 'transgressed' the spiritual law, and the forum guidelines. It seems it was one law for others, and different one for yours truly. Just like the man in the warning dream. The same thing happened with the radio interview thread. No moderator stepped in, to bring order and to ensure that justice was done.  

Was Galaxy trying to contact me  on a soul level? In the Opal dream, there is the mention of one week, and it is written that Galaxy passed over a week after, he had been told he had four months to live.

How about the man that came and told me that I had to tell the other man in the dream the truth. Is it a coincidence that the man that was standing in front of me was from the same community?
Then there was the post from March, 'Spiral Galaxy Torn Apart' and it was posted in the public domain at the time. 


May the man that was known as Galaxy be in peace with the truth.  I dedicate the summer flower to him,  may his family, friends and loved ones be comforted at this time. 

As we know the spiritual law is very powerful, and man must be willing to heal, and also defend the holy, for it is the holy family of healers that defend the tree of life. 

Do you value your peace,health and well-being? If you do, then you must live in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law of the cosmos.  As Prophet Isaiah said, 'Peace shall be your governor and well-being your ruler'.  

May Galaxy be healed in the halls of healing. May it be for the best, that he didn't have to suffer any longer.  I'm sure he will be meeting up with others from the community that have passed over. 

Earlier in May, I posted the 'Allay  message with this song.

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