
Monday 19 May 2014


A British clairvoyant by the name of Robert,  posted a message from Yahweh on a public forum last week. Included in that message was the following words. 'The gates of Abraham shall be opened and Elijah shall lead my children to freedom'. 

I dedicated this painting of success to Robert, aka 'One of God' due to him having some hospital treatment to help him to get well again.


Then today there is some news published about a 3 year old Druze child who remembered his past life, when and where he was 'murdered' and what with. He even identified the 'murderer' in this lifetime, just like Yahweh did through me on a public forum in April, 2014.

The child was able to identify the location of his body and they found the skeleton of the man there. He was even able to provide the location of the 'axe that killed him'.  The physical evidence proved the child to be accurate about his past life, and what happened to him on the border of the Golan and Syria.

Incredible, awesomeness!

Wisdom has been proven right by her actions, wisdom has been proven right by her words.

The spiritual path of mashiach.

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