
Tuesday 20 May 2014


While I was compelled to spread the paint, the heavenly Father said, 'Arms of Moshe' a title for the painting. While I was painting the gold, it felt like painting the arms of the avalotiskavara. 

I looked at the bible to see if it refers to the arms, and in the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 33,  it mentions the 'everlasting arms'. He also said that there is some theological discussion going on about my right arm. 

If I look at the painting at its reduced size on this blog, it looks like a golden bird, surrounded by a sacred golden ring. 


Original painting, Size A4.  

Around that is the pink of love and then the different shades of heavenly healing blues,  just like the cornflower.

I like these colors very much, and it has inspired me to do a collection of paintings on the missions to Israel that I was engaged in. I shall spread the paint to enliven every step taken in Israel, as a reminder of the glorious journey that it was.

If and when I ponder on Israel,  I can always feel my heart expand with the joy of the experience of it.  Like a golden cosmic ball of joy with wings. That's just how I felt when I was wearing the golden gown walking through Jerusalem. Like I had golden wings that stretched out and touched every single person that saw us that day, the gown shone and sparkled in the sun, just like the power of Moshe.

Its something that you do once in your life, a once in a lifetime opportunity to fulfill the biblical prophecy. On that day, the Israeli musician, a peacemaker and I,  made a solemn commitment,  that we would do everything that we could; to transform the 'way of sorrow' to the 'way of love'. In the everlasting arms, everything is possible, when it is for the glory of God.

Hence, it was on that day, that the everlasting covenant for the children was delivered.

Isaiah 63 mentions the Holy Spirit, and Moshe in this timeline. 'who sent his glorious arm of power to be at Moses right hand'. 

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