
Saturday 5 April 2014


I am still with the feet, I used to have very small pretty feet until the tendon 'injury' began. The feet aren't 'painful', just swollen, and inflamed, like pillars of fire as the biblical prophecy predicted they would be. 

More swollen on some days, than others, and they don't look like my feet, that I have known for most of my life. They look more like Sophia and Joseph's feet.  The nurse said that my feet had become flat, so what is there on that? 

Research has shown that tendon specimens from people who suffer from adult acquired flat feet show evidence of increased activity of proteolytic enzymes. These enzymes can break down the constituents of the involved tendons and cause the foot arch to fall. In the future, these enzymes may become targets for new drug therapies.

In 2009, some research was done and the researchers came to the following conclusion:

'Analysis of combined proteolytic activity indicates that age-dependent patterning of blood serine protease enzyme activity may be related to age-related diseases.'

Another paper was published in March, 2012. 'Proeolytic Activity Attenuates the Response of the Endothelial Cells to Fluid Shear Stress'. 

The researchers concluded: Protease activity in plasma alters the exofacial membrane components of ECs and may interfere with mechanotransduction.

In August, 2010, the heavenly Father gave me a pair of 'Pruning Shears' in a vision, and he said, 'Bring the Christians to me'. There was also a vision of a 'black faced sheep', like the little 'Geep' that has been born in Ireland.

The message received in 2010, 'the sheep are ready for shearing, they're ready for the shearer'.

''as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth."Isa 53:7 

July 2010

'After the black face sheep vision faded away,   then a large elephant arrived and like the sheep he was looking straight at me. He looked like he was intent on demolition and he's had enough.  He reminded me of the stampede when the Elephants destroyed the village of the people that had hurt the Christians. Then suddenly dumbo appeared above him, it looked like dumbo had ejected out of his back, like James Bond being ejected from his car.'

3rd February, 2012. There was the 'DUMBO 528 Message'. Its a story about a man that had the name RAM, from the biblewheel website. He banned me when I was trying to share with the Christians there. He had written on his website that he had seen a woman, and received a 'Dumbo' message in 1990. 

"Then on the morning of November 24, 1990 I had a dream that changed my life. I found myself floating in a blank space half aware that I was dreaming when a woman with black hair in a red sweater suddenly appeared and said:
"Are you looking for Dumbo? 12 x 44."

On the 22nd February, 2014. Richard responds to Christians about why he left his biblewheel website up, after he became an atheist.

The truth is that Richard 'banned' anyone, and 'stifled' debate and discussion, with a person that could challenge where he was coming from. So is he the person that is intent on 'demolition?' You decide. 

So what does that have to do with 'Fluid Sheer Stress?'. How is he helping the people of America? Does he have the resolutions and appropriate solutions, will he save the lame? How about the 'Lame Deer' Prophecy. Does he embrace prophecy from any peoples or nations? 

Well it looks like I shall have to stop drinking coffee for awhile, good job the summer is nearly here. I didn't get the kettle today, it seems the LORD had other plans for me today. 


Time to eat and feed this body with nutrients and tender loving care again. The skin is doing well with the pink salt. Very pleased with it so far. The immune system is responding, and patience beyond measure is required, while the body adjusts to the new treatments, and the adjustment to the mineral intake. 

Yours truly had some more melon seeds today (for breakfast) for the magnesium too. May the children of the Spirit of Truth, always defend the cause of well-being. Heart strong, Spirit strong. 

In the magnanimous love bestowed to shield you, in faithfulness and trustful loyalty, be blessed. 

"The glory of Lebanon will come to you, the juniper, the fir and the cypress together, to adorn my sanctuary; and I will glorify the place for my feet" Isaiah 60:13 

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