
Sunday 6 April 2014


Following on from the 'The Shears' post.

Mango Trees are in the news today, 'The Central African Republic, a country of little strategic importance to the wider world, has been torn apart by inter-ethnic violence in the last 12 months. The conflict has left its mark on the landscape in many ways. You can always tell where there used to be a village by the sudden profusion of mango trees in the middle of nowhere'. 

In Sango, the national language, the word kpetene means, roughly, "stay out of trouble'. 

'The cauldron of hatred has been stirred by failed politicians who want to stage a comeback, and by the country's northern neighbour, Chad, covetous of Central Africa's resources.
But it is partly about jealousy between those who had political power but were poor - the Christian majority - and those excluded from politics who seemed slightly richer - the Muslims, Central Africa's main traders and herders.'

See what happens when the children leave the farms? Agriculture and food production is put into the hands of others, and then the prices soar. When I was in Spain, the EU had funded a huge facility for the children to learn how to be be goat herders and to make cheese etc.

In Spain, a decade ago, there was no interest from the children to learn how to become farmers. As such, the beautiful building with dorms just sat there for years. It would've made an amazing complimentary medicine, eco-living, eco-building, college.

Eventually, it was passed over for a peppercorn rent, to an existing businessman. Money from the European tax payer paid for that building, that cost over a million to build. It wasn't just the building either, there were acres of land with it, and all of the machinery required for goat farming. Including stainless steel kitchens, and marble floors. It was a top quality facility on the hills.

How the local council managed to get the funding for a local businessman, with the knowing that the children would not attend that farming college. How clever are they, to obtain funding from the EU to pay for their businesses, while the people of Europe suffer austerity measures; due to expenditure to the EU.


'They will call on my name and I will answer them. I will say, they are my people'. Zech 13:9

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