
Sunday 6 April 2014

Andrew Bush - Watchman Predicted?

Following on from the 'Pruning the Mango Trees', post. News is that a British millionaire has been shot by his ex-lover, an Eastern European, was waiting for him in his Spanish mansion on the Costa del Sol.  In the photograph of Andrew Bush you will see him in his 'Watch Shop'.

They should've called the 'Costa del Sol', 'Costa a lot'.

In 2006, I received a message about the Bush, and in 2012, I received a painting of a watch. Are the two connected? It certainly looks like it, due to us having both his name, and a painting of his career choice with watches.

Message received 9th of March, 2006.

"The Bush can catch alight and burn the dross away, purification of the soul, being burnt to the ground. God does not step in to save the Bush because the purification of one soul saves millions  of more souls from harm. A bush that is burnt to the ground returns to ashes and a new tree can grow in its place.  There is always a higher perspective." 

The event happened on the 5th April, and that is the 'Day of Consequence'. Hence, there was a consequence to the actions of Andrew Bush, and the woman that he chose.

On the 10th of October, 2012, 'The Golden Door - My People'. In that post it mentions what I saw, and the post includes two paintings. 'My People', and the 'Watch.

See link to see the paintings, you will see in the painting, the watch is on a woman's arm, and it is written that it was a woman that shot the British millionaire, watchman.

It is certainly to do with the timeframe.

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