
Saturday 5 April 2014


On the 2nd of April 2014, my heart was compelled to write about the 'Transfiguration'. Today a person wrote about Mars and a blood red moon alert.

If people put alarms in the public domain due to the planets, I like to check with those that write about the planets professionally, and what they have to say about it. My port of call is usually the astrologer Robert Wilkinson, due to us usually being perfectly aligned with each other.

The day after I made the post on the transfiguration, Robert uploads an article for April, that mentions the transfiguration. How amazing is that, wonders will never cease, we must have been writing at the same time.

He has also written about the Grand Cross, Sirius, 'Sun of Suns'. I recommend that people that read this blog, have a read of this if you're interested in the planetary energies, that are impacting on you this month.

Uranus that rules my sun sign Aquarius is in an 'impatient' and 'explosive' position, due to Mars being in opposition to it. So its a good time for Aquarians to stay out of the public domain and away from the 'politics that is the bane of your life'.

A good time for spring cleaning, space clearing, detoxing, and getting a lot done. Its a time when  spiritual people can do things faster than before, and really get things moving, in the right direction when they really apply themselves to the matter in hand. Its a time to address things immediately, and not let things drift. As I wrote the other day, 'don't put off till tomorrow, what you can do today'. That reminds me, I have to get a new kettle today.

Of course, while cleaning house, and clearing your space like snow white, its a good time to ponder upon the wisdom, that those in their second saturn return, have had the life and dedication to enjoy. Hence the parable of the Virgins, the difference between those that bought wisdom, and those that didn't. A good time for the real saints, that have put in all that effort into the great work.

It does mean big changes in the lives of the people, and that can impact on work, friendships and relationships. However, I see it as very positive, when I view it in light of my own recent experiences. There are resolutions, and solutions, and they can happen very quickly indeed.

Last night the light was flickering so much in my room, it looked like there was a UFO in my room. It was powerful last night, very powerful indeed. It began when I was writing about the 'Irish Geep', then it stopped, and started again later on. It was so bold and vigorous, it looked like the light bulb was going to explode. Definitely, energizing people to innovate change. A line and artwork that was designed over a decade ago. The great healing work continues with this grand cross.

Its a time for reviewing your arise, when the sun arises each day, what are you going to do with today?

How productive will it be for you? What do you wish to gain from it? How will the day impact on you and your life? I always like grand crosses they're always very positive times in my life. Hence, I can understand why, I received that vision of the cross on the crimson bedspread the other day. It speaks of the grand cross of the noble woman of character.

Hence characters are certainly being assessed, re-assessed, along with different personalities as more and more people are exploring hearts. As Robert expresses so accurately, it can also bring new people into your life, people that are more aligned with where you are now, on the journey that we call life.

Its no surprise to me that China was in the news yesterday, the Chinese Christians have become a human shield to defend their only Church. At the same time, Russia as told the USA to 'stop their tantrums and childish tears, and do yoga instead'. Big smiles, would Jesus say the same thing to Obama and his devotees? Hence, Russia seems to have a good Libra of justice with this grand cross.

Its all the red this month with the blood moon for a lunar eclipse on the 14-15 April and it comes in the 'Week of the Pioneer'.  I will write a different post on that when I get time. Although, I am feeling like it is the 'transfiguration', lunar eclipse. No surprise that the 'Irish Geep' arrived this month in these energies, and in its spiritual symbology, it is predictive of people in Ireland moving beyond the 'left-right' paradigm. As we know the goat is known to be 'stubborn', and the lamb is known to be tender like a little child. It indicates a better timeline of balance between the two that became one.

So you could find that more people say YES, now, instead of NO.

We even have a Mr Moonshine horse in the Grand National in England today, and the horse is being ridden by Ryan Mania. A very good jockey.  I like the sound of the horse 'Mountainous', and 'Rocky Creek' could also be fun.

Love beyond measure to all and everyone. Magnanimous love indeed.

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