
Saturday 19 April 2014

Righteous Blood Prediction

It was around 04.10 am and the heavenly Father was not happy at all with the actions of some people.

I will post the verses that might explain why he said what he did. It is particularly relevant, this being Easter. James 5:6 speaks of the innocent that was not opposing them, and then what they do.  Romans 1:29.

Hosea 4:2 speaks about how 'they break all bounds, and bloodshed follows bloodshed'. Hosea 6:9 speaks of how they 'ambush' people. Hosea 12 also speaks of this timeline.

Matthew 5:21 speaks of the judgement due to what they do. Matthew 23:31 speaks of the 'descendants of those who murdered the prophets'.

Jesus predicted that he would send them prophets, sages and teachers. He predicted that they would 'kill', 'crucify', 'flog' and pursue them from town to town. Upon you, will come all the righteous blood that has been shed on the earth.

Its interesting to me that the behavior that is discussed above, I did not experience from any Jewish person from any nation. The only time that I have witnessed such behavior to its fullest extent, as  described in the scriptures above; is from some Americans. As Jesus said, they shall not see me again, until they say, 'Blessed is the one that comes in the name of the Lord'.

Romans 13:9, 'Love your neighbor as yourself'.

Can America change its ways in all areas of its culture to stop the bloodshed, and bloodbath in their nation? It doesn't look like it. Why? Too many people, support those that support the way that it currently behaves, and that is why the heavenly Father spoke of 'Murder'. As we know, it happens every day in the so-called Christian America.

The mandala above was done for a man with a Spanish parentage, and I was blessed to be able to give him a safe haven. Onwards and upwards, Brits, at least our reality is like a different planet in comparison to the USA. For the LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for mercy.

May those Americans that are truly peaceful, that truly live in their hearts of conscience, understand, sooner rather than later.

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