
Friday 18 April 2014


While painting this mandala I was given 'Fire Queen', by the heavenly Father.. The paint spilt so there is also a golden lotus in it, as a signature. Its an attractive mandala, and there is a link to Wales, there we find a link to the steam train with the name of the 'Fire Queen'. This lady has moved through many ages, and many legends, including with the knights of the round table.

There have been four times, and or four major situations in her life, when she has had to overcome the fire. Yet, in her heart, she always knew that she had a golden ring of protection around her. There have been four knights that have been special to her, and she is ready for a king that is worthy of her.

There have been four life times when she has walked in white, as a nun in silence. She shall not be silenced this life time.

In those past lives it was due to what happened in her life, that she became a nun. Not this time, this time, she will not go and live under the cover of any religious building or doctrine. She is free, she faced the fire and overcome it. She retains her dignity, and her inner beauty shines from her face.

I see an artist, a communicator, a writer, a fire of passion that has to be expressed. There are many legends that she could write about this lifetime, with humor and love in her heart. Real stories, that explain what happened in a way, that the young people of the future can understand it. There is light glistening in the painting, and so much love.

Four lanterns of light, Pinks, golds, and fire red. The red rings, endings and new beginnings, the different cycles of life that brought to completion many things that she knew in her heart that she was born to complete. 

There is a background of gold and a sacred rose colored outer rim. The fire rose of love. In the little golden lotus that accompanies the mandala, there is also a little mountain in it. A golden mountain that is beaming towards energy towards the 'Fire Queen', The mandala itself is beaming out energy to anyone that her life touches. 

She did say, that she has Jupiter in Pisces and that Jupiter is all about expansion. The finger closest to the thumb, sits on the mount of Jupiter, and the thumb relates to the will of God. As such, her will is closely aligned with his will, and will always be so. She is the passion of his fruit, and fruit of his passion, that defends the true fruit and its naturalness. She likes organic very much, and watches over the seeds and how they grow. Making sure that they get just enough golden sunshine. 

I see pets with her, she is also an animal lover and is probably passionate and animal rights as well as the human rights of people. However, due to her past life experiences as a woman, and due to her life experiences as a woman this lifetime, her defence of the freedom of women is very important to her.

She is happiest in a peaceful reality, where she can be who she wishes to be. However, the fire of her passion can be seen very quickly, if anyone oversteps the boundaries of where they should go in her reality. Or the reality of those she loves and cares about. This 'Fire Queen is a humanitarian, that knows how to put out the fires very quickly, when she feels it is essential to do so. Justice is important to her, justice, fairness, and respect. Trustworthiness, loyalty, friendship, are all crucial to her, it helped her through when it mattered most. 

1 comment:

  1. This made me smile, Peter Gabriel singing about the 'Steam Train'.
