
Friday 18 April 2014

Mount Everest and Comet DA14 Record Breaking Pass

I was just about to look at the news and the heavenly Father said, 'Hooligans'. So what did I find? 12 Sherpa guides have died on Mount Everest in the 'Popcorn Field' due to an avalanche. So what were they up to on that mountain?

Also at 19.25 the DA14 comet as large as an Olympic sized swimming pool, makes its closest approach to earth, in a record breaking earth pass. 

Did you jump into the love yet?

Wiki say that the word 'Hooligans' as an Irish ancestry, and was named after an Irish bouncer who lived in London. However, Russia shows us a different story! The word 'Avalanche' is also associated with the word 'Hooligan' on the wiki link due to historic writings. In the Soviet Union, the word 'khuligan' relates to the 'Criminal Code in Russia'.

Various people have been charged with it, including an Olympic medalist, for setting light to someone in 1979. 'Pussy Riot' were charged with it in 2012, and Greenpeace in 2013.

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