
Friday 18 April 2014


This is the third fire painting that came in during the early hours of the morning. This painting today with a turquoise cross in it, and it has lots of fire colored feathers, in a fire ring, on the gold. Its then on what looks like a turquoise diamond shape. It feels like transformation in the Caribbean and Latin America. Our children party and they like the colorful carnivals.

UPDATE: This painting has been gifted to a lady by the name of 'Blood Red' at the request of Jesus at around 1.00am GMT, on the 19th April, 2014. In the painting is the fire feathers of the fire bird. 

Cameron is calling for Brits to become evangelical, you know like some of those Americans. Would Jesus agree? What would Jesus prefer? I can tell you from experience that Jesus likes to dance and celebrate joy. I used to give mum flowers, and take her out somewhere special for lunch. I was always giving mum flowers, do you bring me flowers guys? Do you take your mums out somewhere nice on Easter Sunday? 

Easter Saturday in Jerusalem. The Miracle of the Holy Fire. Now in the prophecy of Obadiah in respect of the last days of the end times. Jacob is the fire and Joseph is the flame.

On the left of the painting I see the saints in gold, and at the front I see a 'Fire Lotus', On the right side I see a fire rock with a portal opening. I also see art carved into the red rock. 


1 comment:

  1. Riots in Rio due to the police killing a dancer.
