
Saturday 19 April 2014


This response was given in the public domain to an American that says he has some native Indian heritage. 

I shall refer to this as a 'Path of Love Fiesta', due to Jesus asking for this painting to be given to a lady that goes by the name, 'Blood Red'. 

Jesus taught and teaches the path of love. On that path there is no return to the previous way of being. The heart has to behold its own whole heart of conscience, prior to exploring the hearts of others. Only then are those hearts safe with those that are truly divine. Exploring hearts, is always done in truth and in openness, for it is upon truth, love, compassion, and mercy that humanity depends for its survival. 

I was pleased to see our healers in our community in England, be secure enough in their love, to walk in truth when speaking to other healers, that had to be called out. However, I am very pleased that amongst the healers, those that had to be called out, were very few indeed. 

So you see it is not just in Indian culture where are two different types of people. We can see it in every reality that humans engage in. 

Our healers had the courage to be open hearted, truly open hearted. Truly love, as Jesus taught his true followers to be. 

As universal citizens, that many of them consider themselves to be, nature is their holy scroll, they require no scriptures, to defend themselves, or justify themselves. 

For our greatest defence is love, divine love and that love has defended the best of us, in every way possible. For divine love is the light of hope, it encompasses us, as Jesus encompasses his healing family. He knows that humanity depend on us, to lead the way. To lead by the example that he gave us. To love the flame of love that he delivered to help his true followers righteously. 

In every nation and culture, the children of love stand. 

It is now those children that require the extra help, for us spiritual elders to pass on our love, our wisdom and experience that can help them, to comprehend this most historic time, in the history of creation. To assist them to grow upright, to assist them to choose wisely. To ensure that integrity is always in their hearts.

Many sages and teachers will return to working in the community. To raise up those communities. Some will even come out of retirement to do so. We have to give it all the love that we were born to be. Friends tell me that the local community is ready, so we shall see how much support comes forth as we move forward into the next phases of the divine plan. 

When you truly walk with him, as I have done, your heart is so encompassed with everything that he helped you to become. That the innocence of the purity, is an awesome strength of love that he created as holy. Your heart becomes his heart, and his heart becomes yours, a heart compelled by his love, to do the will of the heavenly Father. 

Just give it more love, and more love and more love, until the day comes when his joyous love overwhelms the path at your feet. Then you truly come to know him, and his joyous love. 

For he lived so that you could live the awesome and perfect love of righteousness. 


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