
Sunday 20 April 2014


This painting came in last night and it looks like a fence on fire, like the side of a fort. On the left of it at the top, I can see a white dog, and I sent a clip from the film 'White Dog', to a man with the name of Omega to warn him about what was happening.  It looks like that white dog is going up in the fire. As we know, a fence is also that can 'divide'. However, a wooden fort also defends those that are inside it. The side of a fort can be rebuilt after it has burned to the ground, and it can make its inhabitants a lot more aware of what has happened.

Also interesting that a UN diplomat has had a row with Israel over the holy fire in Jerusalem.

I checked the biblical prophecies and it seems that there is only one place in the bible that mentions the word 'fence', in the English translation, and it appears in Psalm 62. We were shown the 'Red Rock' and the carvings and it is in Nevada. There is a portal opening there this weekend. You will also see the 'Fire Lotus' in this painting.

'Truly he is my rock, and my salvation, he is my fortress, I will never be shaken. How long will you assault me? Would all of you throw me down, this leaning wall, this tottering fence? Surely, they intend to topple me from my lofty place'. Psalm 62:2-4

The Psalm finishes with speaking of trust, unfailing love, the power of elohiym, the Lord.

'You reward everyone according to what they have done'.

Well Psalm 62 certainly fits the current situation in the CT community.

Awesomeness that this is the 62nd post in April.

Also in Greece, on the Island of Chios, there is a 'Firework Battle', and it is written that at Easter, they launch fireworks at each others Churches. Goodness gracious me, is it any surprise that the recent lunar eclipse came on the days of 'Tradition' and 'Definition'. Truly, the boys on Chios, should reconsider their traditions. The same in some of the other European countries. Surely, the Greeks can give us a higher love than what they are doing on Chios. Isn't that what Jesus was asking humanity for 2,000 years ago? A higher love.

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