
Sunday 13 April 2014


Great song for this forthcoming lunar eclipse. Kum Ori, KUM = ARISE, the meaning of my name in Hebrew, as we know the moon gets its light from the sun. Did you hear that everyone? Apparently, this lunar eclipse is also to do with Sirius and the 'Sun of Suns'. What an amazing revelation the spiritual are having.

On the 10th of April, Robert Wilkinson wrote: 'Now that the Sun is no longer opposing Mars, I’ve had people tell me they can feel the shift. No wonder! When these two power planets line up in opposition, something’s got to give!

What gives, of course, is Mars. The Sun is the giver of Light/Life, and no other planet supersedes the power of the Sun to illuminate. And in any tug of war, the Sun wins. No question there.

Now that the Sun is past the opposition to Mars, we should start to feel like things are speeding up, if only a little. While there is still a hard edge to the atmosphere thanks to the Grand Cross, from now on Mars picks up speed, and by late May we'll all feel a definitely sense of relief!'. 

'Late March and April puts the spotlight on the Cardinal Fire sign Aries, where in the Northern Hemisphere we leap into a new Solar year with all the strength and speed symbolized by this energetic sign. This first sign of the zodiac shows it's time to cut loose and direct our energy and inspiration to new projects, relationships, and initiatives.'

RT shares with us about the 'Blood Moon Rising, Total Lunar Eclipse, on April 14-15. First in a rare series'. Well this is certainly the rarest time of the ages. The April 14-15 eclipse will begin at 21:20 GMT according to Sky and Telescope magazine.'

That's an interesting numeric if we bear in mind that 21 is the numeric of the century, and this century was born in wisdom. 20 is also the numeric of 'judgement' that also relates to the 'Queen of the South' with the people that began in 2010. Its hot, and its total, and the Son of God is with me as I write this, he says, 'it is a time to be careful, of what you do, and where you go'.

'This eclipse also features an additional astronomical anomaly, which is likely to spark the imagination. Byrd says Mars will appear "as a fiery red 'star' next to the moon. Together red Mars and the red shadow on the moon's face should be a spectacular sight and an incredible photo opportunity."

I am feeling a shower, like a meteorite shower, lighting up the skies.

The lunar eclipse comes in the week of 'The Pioneer', so it is bound to have a big impact on the USA.

The 14th is the 'Day of Tradition', and the 15th is the 'Day of Definition'. So it looks like a lot of defined traditions, are going to get a shake-up by the pioneers. Especially, those realities that came out of the Age of Aries. So a big one for Judaism, and the pioneers that are bringing forth the new. The old heavens and earth are passing away in this timeframe.

Aries being a fire sign, also links into Jacob being the Fire in the Obadiah prophecy about the USA. The passion is hot with this fire sign, so whatever people are doing in the next phase of their lives, will be something that they feel very passionate about.


The RAB, the Son of Joseph was an Aries, and there was no stopping him, once he made his mind up. Its a sign of leadership, and leaders of men, so it is bound to impact on the African continent as well, as they move forward to create the Africa that they would like it to be.

Aries women and I rarely see eye to eye, due to their natures, they can be very 'clingy.' They have a tendency to 'cling on, and cling on, and cling on.' They're the kind of women that think nothing of dating of your man, even though, they know that you're engaged to be married. Hence, boundaries of tradition that have been defined like Christianity, will feel the heat. As the prophecies predicted, the Churches will burn in the flames. For they were warned in advance, not to build upon the foundations of Jesus with building materials. No places of worship, for there are no places of worship, in New Jerusalem.

The fire can burn down your relationships, marriages, friendships and businesses, and the fire will certainly impact on those traditions that have been defined. With marriage being one of those institutions that is facing the fire now, including the marriage that the people have with the Churches. Their 'covenant with death is annulled', just as the biblical prophecies predicted. For it is ordained that those of the light of the sun, shall live for righteousness, its harp is here. The 144,000 hear the song, KUM ORI.

Its a something eclipse, a time when people really start to see the difference between the men and the boys. Putin would be an example of a strong man, whose countrymen tell America, 'to stop your tantrums, and being childish, and do yoga instead'. That's a great line for this eclipse. It also reminds us to given honor to a man that did his best to help Americans. Can America reconcile with what happened to Russell Means and the children of the tribes? Can they make atonement? Can they do the will of the heavenly Father and help the remnant of the indigenous nation?

For the spiritual the 'transfiguration' will also come into the light the day. It was when the Son of Joseph saw his father on the face of a different person, that he then became a believer. So it will be a strong one for the Christian Spiritualists, and those with a lot of spiritual experience that have actually seen the proof with their own eyes wide open. All the senses enlivened for those that are aware, and awake. Christos and angelic white feathers for the lion hearts, wherever they may be in the world, in this year of freedom, of we were born free, in the year of the horse.

14 is the numeric of challenge, communication with the public, associated with media, publishing across all frontiers. Movement and travel, and a big one for the elements like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. 15 is to do with alchemy, and combined with the communication, does signify a powerful time for the avatar of synthesis and complimentary medicine. I have a sense that a lot of new people will be stepping up to the plate, people who have remained hidden up to now, will start to take more action in the public domain. Exploding hearts.

The heavenly Father spoke of Ezekiel the other day, so this is bound to be a powerful one for food. Clearly, food is very emotive for the nations, including what is happening to it. He also spoke of women being sorry for what they've done. Although saying sorry, can't change it, no matter how many times you say it.

As the heavenly Father said, 'By the time they find out what we have done, it will be too late for them to change it'.

In ancient times, Ezekiel embraced and supported the divine feminine, including what we would call complimentary therapies, and vibrational medicine. Yesterday, I shared the interview of native Indian, Russell Means and his wife speaking of the sacred feminine. That was his last interview. Some people will be giving their last interviews, as they move on to new realities. So a changing time for those that work in the media.

With love in our hearts we remember Peaches, and what she had to overcome on her life journey, a child without a mother, is like a child without water, they ever thirst for that mothers love and devotion.
Until the day comes when a person give a mothers love and devotion to the self. Hence, this eclipse will be important for children, due to Aries being the child of the zodiac. A time to turn your hearts to the children.

A very emotive time, for the world where children are concerned. For yours truly, it is forever energizing people to innovate change.

The LORD said, 'Tell them, America will pay', 'They will pay the penance'. While writing this, I was also feeling Rome, and Italy, major realizations are going to becoming forth in that country, and Catholics around the world will have their traditions impacted upon.

It is the Hosea 12 timeframe. I asked for a painting for this total lunar eclipse and this is what came to be. It looks like a tsunami of transformation is covering Christianity and there is going to be some very difficult times ahead, especially for America.

As I said to them yesterday, let me know when you are mourning for your nation, as I have mourned for you. Many saints have mourned for their nations, just like ELI ZIYYON mourned for them. The nations were warned in advance what would happen if they enabled what Christian America called an 'assault' on daughter Zion.

As a poster to this blog wrote, 'Pangs return sevenfold', and all that they have done will come down upon their heads, as the prophecies predicted. Seven years is a karmic number. Hence, they will pay heavily for what they have done in the last seven years, in their human will to 'gag' the one that the LORD God sent to help them. For as Jesus warned his followers in advance, they must do the will of the heavenly Father.

When it is the flame of Joseph, the spiritual law returns upon them 1,000 fold, for the light forces of all goodness of the cosmos are with the flame of love.  They were warned in advance, by Jesus himself, what would happen if they stood against this holy Spirit. They were asked kindly to defend the sacred feminine as Jesus did, and so now they face the consequences for the way that they behave.


Here in the UK, the sun is shining brightly and there are blue skies to enjoy, as this total lunar eclipse catapults us into the Easter holidays that follow it.

It is a time to be cheerful for yours truly, as the children come forth as indicated in Isaiah 8. The testimony of warning delivered by the harp of faithfulness, will continue. In trustful loyalty to loving kindness, living righteously, and with his Spirit that he has chosen, and blessed beyond measure. Yours truly, remains in her heart of peace, for peace is the governor and well-being the ruler.

The prophecies predicted what would happen after the pure Virgin returned to her people, and the painting indicates what happened in Israel after Jesus left it physically. So it is a time of 'war', for those that 'war', against the sacred feminine of peace and well-being.


For those that have truly made peace with themselves, may my resplendent peace be with you, heal you, and may my light shine upon you as ordained. The magnanimous love of the mother for the children, has the moon under her feet. KUM shall continue to defend the children, and their divine spiritual inheritance as ordained.

I haven't checked out the numeric of the saros yet, so will make a different post on that.


  1. Three people, including a man and his grandson, have been shot dead at a Jewish community site and a retirement home in Kansas City in the US Midwest.

    The shootings occurred at the Jewish Community Campus at Overland Park and a nearby assisted living centre, Village Shalom, local media said.

  2. Chile Fire
