
Saturday 12 April 2014

7.6 Solomon Islands

An earthquake of magnitude 7.6 has hit near the Solomon Islands, with a tsunami warning issued for surrounding areas in the Pacific Ocean.
The undersea quake was registered at a depth of 29km (18 miles), 100km (60 miles) south-east of Kira Kira.
tsunami warning for the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea and New Caledonia has been issued.
The heavenly Father likes me to look at the magnitudes and what it means. So what do we have on 7.6? 
76 is the gematria value of Michael, and Michael the man is mentioned in the book of Daniel. He stood with me against the Prince of Persia. Archangel Michael is also mentioned in Rev 12 and it describes the work that work that we did together during that timeline that overlapped with Micah 4. Rev 12 was completed in December 2008. 

76 is the gematria value of 'Pig' and 'Name' and you certainly come across a lot of them in the public domain. Hence the 'gagging order' today. Big smiles. 


Its the gematria value of 'Mean' e.g. Native Indian, Russell Means and the 'Meantime.'  God bless his soul, he is mentioned in the biblical prophecies. I look forward to reading his autobiography, one of these days. 76 is also 'Bible Eagle' 


The gematria value of 'Face God', as prophecy predicted I saw his face. 

Its also the value of 'Ankle', 'balanced', and go-ahead'. That relates to the prophecy about the 'lame'. 

Solomon is to do with the 'Queen of the South', the 'judgement' that would come after the sign of Jonah arrived in Israel. That happened in 2010. Solomon has reincarnated and I know who he is.

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