
Saturday 12 April 2014

'Gagging Order'

Yesterday I see the face of the Rebbe, and today I saw the face of Russell Means. So have posted in honor of their cheerfulness, and encouragement with the divine feminine. At around 20:16 I was banned at a location where I have been sharing divine messages and news.

Two people have been defending yours truly against the 'gagging order' from the orthodox Christians from America, and what they do. This is the third time I have been banned, due to an American woman and her partner that came from the Billy Graham camp. 

Hear Russell Means speak of what American men and women do. 

Part 1

What in fact has happened, is that the ban, indicates that the owners of the forum, do not wish for its members to receive the blessings that were being bestowed on individuals. Individuals that defended the divine feminine were being blessed.

I was unable to report the constant 'attacks' from American orthodox Christians, that went on for 60+ pages, due to me being logged out, and the password that I had been given, wouldn't let me back in again. The forum had a month to let me have a new password.

The intention of the American orthodox Christians also was to a) obtain the ban, in so doing, b) implement a 'gagging order' and/or c) get the thread locked.

Part 2 
Russell Means looks lovely in this video

Any Christians that defended me, were also 'attacked' by orthodox Christians. I did ask them politely to take their 'disagreements' to their own threads, and leave my birthday announcement thread in peace. However, as we know, many American orthodox Christians support 'war' instead. As many nations have experienced, ever since the USA came into existence.

As the heavenly Father said, 'Tell them, America will pay'. 'They will pay the penance'. 

The 12th April, is the 'Day of Awareness'. Remember this, Jesus shared that we would put our light on the lamp stand.


  1. 'She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family
    and portions for her female servants.' Proverbs 31:15.

    Prophecy fulfilled.

    "it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
    Mark 16:18

    Prophecy fulfilled.

    Such is the facts of a miracle worker that lived in trustful faithfulness, to lovingkindness.


    I just looked to see whether the ban was still in existence, and the ban notice that was up when I accessed the forum, is now not there anymore.

    One of the forum moderators claim that there was no ban. Although it is clear to everyone, that I was unable to access the forum due to a ban notice.

    I've read what has taken place in the aftermath, of the 'ban notice' being viewed by yours truly.

    Still orthodox Christians in that location are still in a state of 'war', the mods have done nothing to stop it, and it as gone on for over 70 pages, so they've had plenty of opportunity to do so. As such, I shall not return to it, in the foreseeable future.

    The love in my heart, the peace of my being, means more to me than anything else at this still point of existence during this total lunar eclipse.

    So you can keep the forum and its activity, with the members that are in contravention of international internet law. As it stands, I have no wish to be involved in the CT community due to the way that certain people behave. All of the people that bring the CT community into 'disrepute', are Americans. Of course, it is intentional because that is what the USA was built upon. As Jesus said, 'the USA is the house that Jack Built'.

    I have moved on, people that I have connected with, people that are interested in my sharing, know that they are very welcome to visit me here on the blog. They are also very welcome to post here on this blog, to share information, of their own, if they wish.

    I am staying in my resplendent peace, how about you?

  3. The heavenly Father said, LOP, so I followed his instruction to go an see what is happening. Immediately, I saw the ban notice at around
    22.00GMT. This is what it says, 'I'm sorry, but you are banned. You may not post, read threads, or access the forum. Please contact your forum administrator should you have any questions'. That is the same notice that was up earlier in April. I have been invited to go to a different location. However, I have no wish to do so. I like a higher love, and am staying in the love. Someone posted that it is 'spiritual warfare', seriously, what's new in the CT community?

    I replied, its time that they grow up. Only those that are spiritually and emotionally mature, reach their spiritual potential. So how do they reach that level of maturity that is required? They have to begin with healing their 'inner child's'.

  4. On the 22nd April, 2014. Gym posted the message 'Debbie Downer'. In response I asked him, 'Where are you coming from'. A Deborah Moulton and her husband Robert are now in the British news. Deborah's husband has been charged with 'second-degree murder' in Florida.

    That's really nothing new in America is it?

  5. And now we have the unfolding of this prophecy.

    22. I drew back My hand and acted for the sake of My Name, that it should not be desecrated before the eyes of the nations, before whose eyes I took them out.

    That happened in a few places on-line, as my avatar pic was of a hand as instructed.

    23. I also lifted My hand to them in the wilderness to scatter them among the nations and disperse them in the lands.

    24. Because they did not perform My ordinances, and they rejected My statutes and desecrated My Sabbaths, and their eyes were after the idols of their fathers.

    Ezekiel 20
