
Sunday 13 April 2014


Jesus is with me as I write this, and he is compelling me to share the truth, following from the 'Disclose Vision'.

There are many things that spiritual people discuss amongst themselves, to do with the spiritual law of the cosmos, and it how responds in nature. Jesus also spoke about the time, when this would be brought out into the open and his true followers were asked to put their light on the lamp stand. The 'Disclose Vision' indicated this is the time that he spoke of.

People ask to be told everything, yet, they do not always like to hear what is shared with them. For the reality of the spiritual law, that is in the science of being, manifests in nature. So shall the spiritual whisper what they comprehend, in regard to the spiritual law, and its happenings, are the people really ready to hear the truth of the reality of God's creation?


The evidence is in nature all around them, yet do they have the eyes to see it? The mother will always defend her children to the best of her abilities. In this news report from Warwick University, the swans are in their breeding season, and are defending their reality against human beings.

The news reports say that the students feel 'terrorized' by the swans. Do the students even consider how the swans feel about their breeding season? As the heavenly Father, said, 'it is not a one-way street'.

So do you live in harmony with nature and its seasons, for the seasons do impact on the people, and nature is more powerful than human beings, as tsunami's indicate.

Hab 2 gave this prophecy, and the herald delivered it in 2009 to the people.

'The cup from the LORD's right hand is coming around to you, and disgrace will cover your glory. The violence that you have done to Lebanon will overwhelm you, and your destruction of animals will terrify you. For you have shed human blood, you have destroyed lands and cities and everyone in them'.

The LORD is in his holy temple, let all the world be silent before him'. 

The Indian reported in the news report, mentions the 'racist swans', is that true? Interesting that this comes at a time, when an Indian leader in India, is calling for 'women to be hung, if they have sex before marriage.'. 

When will men and human beings honor the sacred feminine? You build your universities in places of great beauty, where nature has always lived, then humanity complains when the nature that they invaded responds. 

Humans invade the lands of nature, instead of living in harmony with it. So you get what you get, it is the nature of the spiritual law. So in this case, I will defend the divine right of the swans to exist, and defend their season of breeding. I shall not judge the swans, for they were born to deliver justice of the spiritual law, and its divine messages.

Graceful, they are. However, the swans will defend what they know to be divinely correct. They will defend the tree of life. 

Some Christians can accept it when it is birds outside the Vatican, yet, cannot accept it when it comes into a different reality that triggers their own issues. As I first said to Americans when they first threw the 'race card' at me. I have ace cards in my right hand, in the will of the LORD, what the heavenly Father wills is ordained. Did you get the memo? A blessed one that honors nature and the swans, once posted this video for yours truly.

Interesting that the swans are sacred to India, and to musicians. Its time for humanity to respect nature and the swans. Only when the divine feminine is honored, will humanity live in peace and harmony with the planet. Only when the sacred feminine is embraced, does peace become a reality.

May my resplendent peace be with you. 

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