
Sunday 13 April 2014


Last week, Christians from America were asking the same questions, they have asked thousands of times. I did share with them, not to ask if they do not wish to receive the response. However, just as I was about to respond to one of them, the heavenly Father roared and he said to tell them, 'You've had your heart ripped out'.

In 2012, a martial artist in America 'ripped out his friends heart and tongue while high on drugs and he was sentenced to 47 years in prison'. It is written that they had 'drunk a psychedelic mushroom tea'.

However, if you look at the words shared in connection with the case, you can see clearly that the man had been heavily impacted upon by orthodox American Christianity. That combined with 'drugs' is a 'lethal' combination that led to 'murder.'

It is often the case, that you see it often written, in American court cases and circumstances.

Hence, it is orthodox Christianity that has 'ripped their hearts out'. So can they find their heart of conscience in such circumstances? How can they ever know what is true, when people act in such a way? How can they possibly let divine love into their hearts to manifest the purest love that exists?

On the 1st of April, there was also a case in a Greek prison, where an Albanian man had his heart 'ripped out' during a 'torture' session, carried out by police officers. Where is the justice in that? Due to what happened in Greece, 'inmates from four prisons are refusing food in protest over what happened to  the Albanian.'

Both nations, both America and Greece has had its 'heart ripped out' of it, and we all know why.

As Jesus said in 2007,  'Christianity was never born, its still in the womb'. 


14th April, 2014, Ezekiel Lunar Eclipse 

Judge in Ohio, humbles American man in the eyes of the world.


  1. I need to know that your okay Eli. I sent a skype request, weeks ago. I've tried to call, it rings, then fails.

    I have been told of what has happend there.

    I'm crushed! Again. :(

  2. Tolstoy ring any bells?

    I have had to watch for years what Americans do knowingly, and purposefully to others. What they are willing to do, to cling on to realities, that took them on the road to war, drugs and destruction of self and other nations.

    I saw what you did, before and during what has transpired, your words revealed you to me. I saw your heart split apart, you were unable to hide it from me, or others that could also see it.

    However, the LORD spoke to me of a man that understood me, due to him being from a single parent family. That he had compassion for the woman that had brought up a child alone, a woman that had to be both mum and dad to a male child.

    How am I?

    I have no appetite for America, Americanisms, or its ways. Nor does the son that I birthed from this womb.

    I don't remember the last time I ate a decent meal. The LORD has sustained me energetically, to stay focussed on the messages being delivered.

    My appetite always disappears, when people engage in war.

  3. There is something going on there. It's attacking certain sensitives. Would you give me permission to lock or close your announcement thread? I know it sound s like an odd request, however, it would help stop the incidious darklings from continueing to tear you to pieces. It was a success either way Eli, yet i don't think the majority deserve a chance for future reference. At least it wasn't as bad as the other place, i still grind on that. :(

    But i'll not stop being me. So you have made a difference no matter what. Which is yours, and no one can take that away. Just know i care, more than you may ever realize.

    Bless you dear woman, i'll do my best.

    1. And please, do try and eat. Besides, they already know what is being said here.

      Now i wait with my posse, the wave is knocking, like nothing ever known.

  4. Here is my response.

    I've held my own at every location I have ever been sent to.

    I left the other location at my own accord. I left as peacefully as I arrived.

    This situation as been different, and it has gone on since January 2013.

    Lock my thread? No, I shall not 'gag' those that have done their utmost to 'gag' the one the LORD sent to help them. Let them live with their own conscience. For as the Jesus taught, do unto others, as you would wish them to do to you.

    Do we leave it to their own karma, and wait for the day when the barristers are knocking on their doors?

    Newdawnrising, what you actively engaged in was 'war', so the 'war' is on your doorstep.

    Now you witness the co-creation of Americans, and what America has done since the day it began. Are Americans ready to keep their treaties with the Indians? If they cannot keep their agreements with the Indians,what makes any of you think, that any of you, can keep them with the holy?

    1. I was only thinking of you. I'm sorry, i'm not perfect. You'll not hear from again.

      Peace be with you.


  6. Judge in Ohio humbles American man. In the eyes of the world, due to what he did to the disabled.

  7. On the 2nd April, 2014, Newdawnrising wrote on this blog: "pangs return 7 fold". News today, the seventh child has died in Baltimore, USA. The child was only 14 years old. How can anyone in America be happy when situations like that happen every single day? How can they eat a meal, drink a drink, relax, sit and watch TV? How can they live in such a nation?
