
Saturday 22 March 2014


I heard him say, 'Lotus Feet was right again'. So I looked at the news to see what he is talking about.

When I looked at the news, there was an article about the Pope, and how he told them that they will have 'No Joy'. The question is how can the Pope know what true "JOY" is? The Vatican, has done the same as the Mafia since it began.

'Children are the supreme joy of human life' from Sacred Words, and the Mafia do have children like everyone else. Hence, the words of Jesus are true, 'There is plenty of joy for everyone'. A baby is a bundle of infectious joy. So how can those that live in the Vatican city, ever experience the joy, if they neither marry, co-create or adopt?

In the OT, it shares with us that 'sorrow is turned into joy'. My sorrow was turned into joy, when I gave birth to my son. When I was younger, he was the light and joy of my life. My friends sorrow was turned into joy when they adopted a baby boy.

The media have described the Pope's response as 'uncompromising' with the Mafia. However, who gave the pope the authority to speak to the Mafia in such a way? Seriously, did he ever learn to communicate from the heart, to reach their hearts? How could he, if he has never lived with a child at the bosom of his heart like many of the Mafia have done. The Italians seriously love and adore the children that they've sired.

As we know, there is different types of 'joy', there is the supreme joy of human life, and then there is the supreme joy of spiritual life, and they're both to do with the birth. As above, so below. So below, as above'. There is also joyous living, joyous love, Christos joy, so what kind of joy is the pope talking about, does he know?

What the Pope should have done, is turned their hearts to the children. How can he do that, when he knows full well what the Catholic priests have done. The divine court will always be as 'uncompromising' with the Church, as the Church is with the people.

Rome were warned not to build upon the foundations of Jesus with building materials, and if they did, they would burn in the flames. As the prophecy Obadiah indicates, Joseph is the flame, and Jacob is the fire.

Did Jesus speak to the people in such a way as the Church speaks to the Mafia?

This is a reality check for the Vatican for 'The point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping' from Sacred Words.

Didn't Jesus do his utmost to touch, and move their hearts to be good in every way? To be the best that they could be? Wasn't Jesus defending his people against the Romans, at the same time as helping the centurion that came to him with a humble heart? Didn't Jesus value the trustful loyalty of the centurion that came to loving kindness for help?

Goodness gracious me, the Church have a lot to learn about the graciousness, and mercy of the enlightened nature of Lotus Feet, and Jesus who bestowed its blessed name, upon the person that he chose for it.