
Friday 21 March 2014

'Heart of Peace' -v- 'Envy Rots'

When I woke up this morning, Jesus showed me some 'green eyes' and I didn't like the look of them, they looked, 'alien' and it reminded me of Rev 17 and America.

Then he spoke about the 'green eyes'. He explained that the 'green eyes',  were the 'eyes of envy', the 'eyes of the envious', and those that were 'envious'. To add further clarity, he was warning me, of what was happening, and why some people respond the way that they do. After this blog post was written, what took place in the public domain, confirmed what he had shown me. He is always right, its wonderful that he gives me advance warning.

What is interesting is that on the New Scientist blog, it states that 'green eyes' are very rare in the UK, and it does feel like 'green eyes' comes to be, due to 'envy' that impacted on the lives of mystics and healers in a past life. As such, it is the dharma of the spiritual law. 'Eyes of the world' was posted on the 20th June, 2007. [1]

In the biblical teachings, 'A heart of peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones'. Proverbs 14-30  It doesn't only impact on their bones, it also impacts on their souls, the backbone, spine and soul of their nation.

Blessings indeed, that my heart of peace is strong, and so are my bones.

Prophet Ezekiel spoke of the 'Pharaoh'. 'I made it beautiful with abundant branches, the envy of the trees of Eden in the garden of elohiym'. Ezekiel 31:9. It indicates a timeline when the 'Pharaoh' = Obama is as a 'felled cedar' of Lebanon.

The sharing this morning is significant, as it is the end of an era for America.

I then saw a vision of a woman and a man, and they were standing together in nature.  He had a slim build, longish hair, and he had a moustache, we were standing looking at each other affectionately. I was looking at his face, I was looking at a new face, with some new eyes. Eyes and a face that I liked.

Does it indicate that in the next presidential election in 2016, there will be a man and a woman elected? Know this, the woman was wearing a scarf when I saw her. The numeric of 2016 also add up to 9, the numeric of completion and divine love in manifestation on the earth plane. So 2016 is an excellent year for relationships and divine love, especially if your individual life cycle is in the year of 9. In 2016, my life cycle will be an 8 year, the numeric of transformation and infinity.




  1. Looks like we found the green eyes, young couple in Florida.
