
Friday 21 March 2014


The latest survey from the UK on the happiness scale, finds that those that are serving God, and getting paid to do so, are the happiest. Of course farmers also come up high in the ratings.

The headline is 'God beats serving pints for a happy life.'  Sounds like David Cameron is trying to boost the numbers of people wishing to enter the clergy of the Church of England.

Do the clergy really serve God? The occupation of St Paul's showed us who was serving God, and it was the children that were on its steps in the tents, the outcasts.  Not those that were in the pulpit.

May all those people that were on those steps outside of St Paul's, be blessed awesomely. In 2007, I had a spiritual experience and the LORD spoke to me, while he was holding my hand.

He asked me to lead the people out of the Church, to lead them out into freedom. After I left St Paul's, I was sitting outside on the steps in the sunshine, and people were bringing their children to me to bless them.

In the scripture it is recorded that Jesus said he would build his community on Peter. A person asked me the other day, 'what did you do for Peter?' I responded with the truth, one became a 1,000. Bless his heart, a wonderful healer is he. The healer that had the least, was given the most of me, time, effort, and financial input.

The pure heart of Peter was brought to me divinely, he was brought to a woman that was worthy of him. The investment in Peter, his skills and healing abilities are true. I loved his innocent pure heart of goodness, and I love Peter as a sister loves her brother.

I knew that it was the will of the LORD. Although at that time, I hadn't linked the mission with Peter with the biblical prophecy of what the Son of God had said. I innocently followed my heart beat of pure intention, and did my utmost to support the spiritual community, and those that could stand before me in integrity, when I explored their hearts.

They were such happy days on the circuit of the galilee of the gentiles. The awesomeness of the love, its fellowship of the light of the healing community. So many wonderful spiritual people, so many amazing hearts.  Our spiritual community just grew and grew at an amazing pace. So many blessings in abundance and lots of hugging. They were beautifully prepared for what is ahead. The flame of Joseph had arrived, and many hearts were explored in loving kindness and trustful loyalty.

As the LORD said, 'By the time they find out what we have done, it will be too late for them to change it'.

The day I met the Christian nuns that had done Reiki was a glorious and joyous love day for my heart. My heart sung. They were so excited to meet us, and so wished to share. One of the nuns asked for me to share my divine experiences with her. She asked me if I had seen the divine, and I confirmed to her that I had seen angels and Jesus. As Jesus said on the 13th Day, 'There is plenty of joy for everyone'. 

However, soon after that. The male clergy put a stop to the teaching of the science of happiness in that location. I would love to go and see the Reiki nuns again, and one of them was an incredible artist. 

So now people know what is meant in a biblical sense of being worthy as Jesus spoke of it. For those that truly live in integrity are chosen to help the healers that were sent to help humanity. 



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