
Saturday 22 March 2014

Immigration Gates

I am being shown that the gates of immigration are closing, and that they won't get across. I've also been shown that the daughter of someone that knows me, has met her dream man because of Lotus Feet. It will be interesting to see who that is, when it is revealed to me.

The other day, the LORD spoke of being 'inflamed', and when I checked out what was going on with immigration, just now, the article mentions how people who are anti-immigration, have been 'inflamed' by government reports and media discussion of such. [1]

England compared with some other countries is certainly over-populated. Its only a small country, and nation. The countryside is beautiful, and the Brits wish to keep their countryside as it is. Brits do not wish to give up their green pastures, and forests to build new houses for immigrants. Also there is so much high-employment with 2 million young healthy people out-of-work, its no surprise that Bulgarians and Romanians are deciding to stay in their own country.

So the gates of immigration must be closing to people from certain countries. That would also link in with the 8 year budget plan, that has been agreed between India, Australia and England. The Japanese moving their train manufacturing to the UK, is also an interesting development. Its worth keeping an eye on, what else the Japanese are moving, and to where. The Japanese certainly have a strong foothold in Australia, as does the rest of Asia-Pacifica and America, the last time that I was there.


For sure what some people do to their children will impact on the gates of immigration. Children are very emotive in the UK. I have found Brits to be charitable. However, in this timeline, they're very concerned about their own children, and their futures in this nation. When you have had a child out of work for 50% of their lives due to immigration, is it any wonder, that the Brits feel like they do about it? Many grown, healthy men, can't find work, yet, the government are doing their utmost to make those with ill health look for work, when they are too ill do so. During my life in my career, I always had the offer of more than one job, people are lucky now, to even get an interview. Let alone get a decent job.

The realities of the Brits, conditions, cost of education, state of the medical profession are all factors that impact upon the choices that people from other nations consider, when moving to a different country. If you live in a warm country where the cost of living is lower, why would you wish to move here?

Overall, the report and feedback of living in the UK in the current economic climate, is recommending to people to be cautious of where they move to and reasons why. Ultimately, no Island is safe in these last days of the end times, and that includes the UK.

The heavenly Father has also been speaking of the 'Lowly'. 'The lowly he sets on high, and those who mourn are lifted to safety'. Job 5:11. 'Though the LORD is exalted, he looks kindly on the lowly'. Psalm 138:6. 'The lowly in spirit gain honor'. Proverbs 29:23.

'For this is what the high and exalted One says— he who lives forever, whose name is holy: “I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.' Isaiah 57:15. 

'Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.' Zechariah 9:9. That passage always makes me smile, as I was on honeymoon in the Greek Islands when a partner and I were riding donkeys. 

'Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whomever welcomes one such child in my name, welcomes me. Matthew 18:4-5.  So it was, when they welcomed her, they also welcomed him. 


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