
Sunday 23 March 2014


Following on from the 'Mashon' message and blog post, posted on the 16th February, 2014. It included some information about and mentions Hermias due to some visions that a bishop of Rome was given.

Hermias is an interesting character in Catholic Church history, especially his link with the work of Socrates. It is written that at that time, miracles were being carried out by Hilarion. There was a miraculous healing of a neighbor and after that his wealthy family became devoted Christians.

His education had been delivered by a monastic order of monks in his native place and it is written that he was grounded in Greek studies. Source link shares with us that he 'retained the impressions of his youth, and his great work later was to be also a monument of his reverence for the monks in general and the disciples of Hilarion in particular'.

That then revealed Hilarion. 

That then takes us to Hilarion himself and his identification. He surely was very attractive to women, not only due to the miracles he could perform, but also do to the fact, that so many women pursued him. To the extent that he fled from them, from location to another. St Jerome took an interest in him and his ascetic lifestyle. It is written that Jerome wrote the chief source of information about this man that lived between 291-371. According to Jerome he was fragile in health, thin and delicate during his youth.

Now what is interesting is that the vision that I received the other morning from Jesus, was of a man who had a slim build and some facial hair and he could have definitely passed for Greek. 

Being an anchorite, worldly things were not important to him. So washing clothes, personal hygiene were simply allowed to go by-the-by. He didn't wash his clothes, and wore them until they wore off of his back. Neither did he shave is hair more than once a year. As such, it must have got quite long. So maybe at times, he wore it tied back. Like many anchorites of the light, he was living as a recluse in a remote location. 

It is written that he had many disciples, although the Catholic Church, share very little about the disciples of the miracle workers. There was a monastery dedicated to him, and there is mention, and picture of a castle in Cyprus. Those that pursued him, drove him to retire to more and more remote locations. Oh those women that followed him everywhere, first he went to Anthony's retreat in Egypt, then to Sicily, from there to Dalmatia, and then onto Cyprus. They must have loved Hilarion, big smiles.

The main point of clarification to identify this man, was due to what he had he written to me about different women, and his life, that is also mentioned in the life of Hilarion.  Then Jesus gave me a vision of a man afterwards, followed by the information being revealed tonight when I was posting on 'Mahshaya message. 

So do we have an incarnation of Hilarion? It certainly looks like it. The numeric of 22, is also strong with him due to the legend of the life story in that past life. Apparently his name means, 'Cheerful'. 

The Island of Cyprus is quite close to Egypt, and you can get a trip over to Egypt from Cyprus. 

The 22nd March, is the 'Day of Direct Current', and I am not surprised that the LORD has chosen to reveal this on this night. 

The American says he first saw me four years ago in the public domain, and there is a story to that, and it also relates to what happened in more than one past life.  The Catholics say he was born in Gaza. However, we know that many Islanders went to Israel in different timelines. The link with Libya is interesting, because it was prior to the war with Libya, during and after, that we were sharing in the same location. So unless anyone can prove to me he was born in Gaza, my heart stays open to revelation, and what further is to be revealed.

It is often the case that people end their lives where they were born, especially if they have spent their whole lives away from home. Many long to return to their roots when they retire. So it would be perfectly natural to me, if his parents were from Cyprus, and took him to Gaza when he was a baby. Then later in life, at the age of retirement, to return to where he was born. Apparently he lived until he was 80 years old and Epiphanius knew him personally, although new advent don't mention how he died.

A man suddenly came standing at my side, and he was wearing a black ensemble like in the icon of Jesus. It came like a flash on the left of me, as I saw it arrive, like he simply walked in to my space. If a soul appears on the left of you, it means that they've come to you on a soul level, and their body is on the planet. Only those that come on a high vibration of love, are allowed into my reality. Hence, while I was communicating with this man, Jesus was with me. For as he said, when two come together in my name, there I shall be, and the power of his love, is beyond measure. The black ensemble is confirmation to me that he was a Greek-Cypriot by birth. 

You will see a golden dolphin around the neck in this icon, and as we know the neck is to do with communication, and the dolphin is to do with unconditional love. It shows the people that it has be integrated prior to the enhancement of clairaudience. As the dolphin is pointing to the right ear. It looks the golden dolphin is coming out of the pages. Like a book has opened, and there the golden dolphin is. Of course the Greek Islands are well known for the dolphins, since ancient times, especially in Crete. 

Did you wear dolphins? I remember I had a silver dolphin bracelet when I was young.

In the icon of Jesus he has his hand on the corner of a book, and his finger and thumb are in the shape of the V for Victory. The book looks like a file, like a book of life that holds the memories and that which is written. Its important to remember that there wasn't anywhere for him to lay his head, until now. Its no coincidence that the pyramid is featured in that icon, behind his hand with the fingers that look like trunks of wisdom of the elephant.  

As we know the elephant is symbolic of spiritual wisdom, and those that have found it, have right of way. Egypt is a link to Joseph who was a healer also, and the prophecies about the flame of Joseph. Many of the monks in Egypt were also Buddhist monks, anchoring the light. Awesome, miraculous miracle workers they once were. 

There is now golden light appearing on my right, as Jesus said, on the 13th day, 'There is plenty of joy for everyone'. 

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