
Saturday 1 February 2014


Following from Italy and the Boulder, [1] on reviewing the 'World Turtle' visions received in 2010, it also mentions the USA. This is what I wrote at the time.

'Prior to seeing the turtle visions I saw a golden eagle, like an avatar of someone I once knew,  it was being attacked by loads of birds, its feathers were going everywhere. You could say it was hen-pecked and it did not know what to do because it was outnumbered.' 

The golden eagle is symbolic of the USA, and the vision of it, shows us that the USA is outnumbered by the birds. If we view that on a global scale that is certainly true.

Clear directions were given in these visions, it also gave indications of what was going to happen. It mentions the cosmic broom, and laser and how the cosmic broom, can only move when the turtle moves. The world turtle was going towards the islands, and the turtle is a symbol of conservation, the environment, and the indigenous peoples.

Some people may remember the film, 'The Birds', was the script writer given an advance warning?

The film depicts a place in California and it was made in 1963. In the film there was a person that said that the 'bird attack' on the USA was a sign of the 'Apocalypse', and a traveler suggested 'exterminating them all'. The biblical prophecies predict that the 'salesman', will not be preserved and that does link into Rev 17 and 18 about the USA. Prophet Obadiah also gave predictions of what would happen to the USA. When the Jewish sages were asked if anything could be done to save it, the response that was given, was that the seed of ESAU, can only be delivered in the hand of Joseph.

Apparently, in the film of the 'Birds', another person 'dismisses the reports and argues' about it. Some people in America 'die', then there is a larger 'attack'. A humanities scholar, interpreted the film in terms of female sexuality, and nature itself. [3] 

Is that why the crow, and seagull, 'attacked the doves' that the children released at the Vatican last week?

Is it because the prophetesses and healers view their bodies as sacred, and to be honored in a heavenly way? Or is it because there are different types of mystics, mystics that tell people what they would like to hear, then there are mystics that speak the truth. Did the Italian mystics tell the truth to their people? Did the pope tell the truth to the children?

The fact that, the boulder went onto the Italian farm in Italy, combined with the Italian doves. Is a big message for the difference between the two different realities. Just like there is a big difference between the American doves, and the English doves.

The English doves tend to be far more reserved, humble, and elegant in simplicity, as it has been proven already. It was interesting to hear what a woman said, when she spoke about the differences of working with yours truly, compared with working with Doreen Virtue.

The spiritual lady had the opportunity to work with both, see, feel, touch, experience the difference. Was it because Doreen Virtue work was being done in a crowd, and I was working in small groups, one-to-one, giving people individual attention? Or was it because the sun shines on the righteous?


The planetary energies are still being impacted upon by Saturn in Scorpio, and Scorpio expresses itself in a sexual way. However, they can also be very 'possessive', of those that are near to them, and they do have a 'sting'. Evidence of experience knows this to be true. Hence, it is no surprise, that some Americans respond the way that they do. Its all to do with the medulla, that impacts on their hearts.

Forgiveness is certainly required, especially in America, due to the fact that they have the highest incidence of heart disease. Not only required, it is absolutely essential, for health and well-being. It is scientifically proven how forgiveness impacts on your being. 

The children in that film will now be American adults, and the birds are certainly symbolic of nature and what is happening to the USA. The director, Alfred Hitchcock was inspired to make the film, due to a similar event being featured in a newspaper of what did happen. Hitchcock directed and produced the film. 

The keynote of the 'Crow' is that 'Creation is Calling', and I first posted that beautiful video back in 2008. So what is the message of the crow in the American film? The environment of nature, is stronger than anything, any American can do. Americans and leaders around the world, are actually 'powerless',  to do anything about what is coming upon the planet, and the 'crows' are expressing that, in the film itself. 

The only choice that humanity has now, is to align its will with creation, and live in harmony with it, to redress the balance. Peace will be your governor, and well-being is the measure. 

When Jesus withdrew from a location due to the 'plots' against him, a large crowd followed him, and he healed all that are ill. Matthew 12:15  The healers withdraw to help the people, for that is where the heart of the healers of humanity truly are. Its no coincidence then that in Rev 12 and Micah 4, daughter Zion was rescued and carried on helping the people. 

It is perfectly natural for the true followers of Jesus to carry on healing, as ordained to do. For there is nothing that the 'orthodox' or anyone else can do to stop the entrusted Harp of Faithfulness, and the help that the instrument of the LORD offers others. In the 2010 visions, it mentions how when the golden eagle is 'attacked', then there are feathers everywhere.

Yesterday, I was given the feeling that due to a major happening, (it felt like the USA), that people will get to the point, whereby, they cannot endure anymore. The heavenly Father also spoke of the 'Medulla', and there is a location of that name in Florida. The biblical prophecies also predicted how nature would respond, and how the people would behave due to it. It does remind me of Jeremiah, and what happened to the people that he was sent to warn about what was coming.

In the visions provided in 2010, it mentions the broom that cleans the skies, and there is a pole that is 'attached' to the world turtle, and that cosmic broom cleans the skies. As we know, the cosmic broom sweeps clean, and the broom was used by Snow White and Cinderella. Two different females, two different stories, that were both written in Europe. Both films have happy endings! I do like a happy ending.




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