
Saturday 1 February 2014


In the last post I shared the 'USA Eagle Prophecy', and I shared about the two different women that used the cosmic broom in the stories of 'Snow White', and 'Cinderella'. Two different women, two different realities and stories.

However, there is also the story of the 'Sleeping Beauty' that also came out of Europe. This painting was done by 'Henry Maynell Rheam'. Sleeping Beauty, the 'Beauty sleeping in the wood' and I have been to do as the LORD asked of me and 'TAP ON WOOD'. No surprise then that this is the Chinese Year of the 'Wooden Horse' and it is the year that is ruled by the south. The direction of the 'Queen of the South' and its mystics.

The story speaks of a child that was wished for, and how the godmothers came to be. In the story 'Sleeping Beauty' was given a gift of a 'spindle' by an 'old fairy'.

However. another person came, and gave her a different gift, and that gift reversed everything. It predicted that she would be awoken by the Kings son.

A hundred years pass, and a prince from a different family finds the castle, while he is on a hunting expedition. It mentions the sauce, 'Robert', and the King returned in the nick of time. Interesting that in January 2014, I was out with a friend, and we bumped into a farmer that I know, a farmer that hunts.

It was due to that life long friend, that I also became a godmother to an adopted child.  I did give her a special gift, for her birthday, a gift that I had, held close to my heart for most of my life. A gift that was photographed with me holding it, by a journalist from 'The Times' newspaper.

It was a hand painted figurine, a signed piece of a little girl surrounded by flowers, and she was picking some of the flowers. The reason that I was compelled to give it to her, is due to the fact, that she has always been very special to me.

I have had that figurine ever since I have known her. Our love of antiques was just one of the things that we had in common. However, our friendship is much deeper than that, although the figurine held a powerful message for her. A few of the flowers were 'broken', she was being asked to repair them. To restore the natural beauty around her, of who the sleeping beauty and her family are.

While I was painting, a great realization came to me, that the the message of the figurine always was meant for my dear friend.

To comprehend that sometimes, things are not always as they seem. There are greater realities, that are far beyond most people's comprehension. To live as nature intended, naturally. Like a joyous child, living amongst nature. She did live in 'Wood' for many years, and she knows that life is changing for her. I feel sure that she will fulfill her divine destiny, and that was what the figurine was all about.

Reclaiming her innocence of childhood, her little girl within, and the naturalness that she was born to be. This year has certainly been a turning point for her in her life so far. At the end of the day, she knows who gave her their support at the end of the day. It certainly wasn't the old woman, her father or her younger sibling.

The godmother was always there for her, whenever it was really important to be so. Whenever it was essential, she was there, smiling, laughing, raising the vibration in a supportive way. I feel sure that the 'Sleeping Beauty', is indeed waking up.

I was meant to dine with her a few weeks ago. Alas, it was cancelled as I was asked to do a radio interview with 'entropy' on the 'Ice Caps 22', and that was a divine priority, and essential. I am sure that when the godmother sees the 'Sleeping Beauty' again, the timing will be perfectly arranged. I hope to see her before my birthday if possible, although birthday would be OK, too.

The last time that I saw her, she took me in the car to get the feathers, and there is a biblical prophecy about the feathers. Some time afterwards, the godmother gave some of the feathers, to a 'bereaved mother', and she seemed to find them comforting.


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