
Saturday 1 February 2014

Italian Boulder Vision

News is that a huge 'Boulder smashes through Italian farm' and there was a second smaller one right behind it. They say that it happened on the 21st January, 2014.

The 21st January, is the 'Day of the Visionary', and it is divine providence. Due to the vision that I was given of a larger boulder. [2] The fact, that it also happened in Italy, is also an important aspect. If one bears in mind what happened to the doves at the Vatican, in Italy last week. [3]

In ancient Greece, mystics e.g. prophetesses were called doves. So what have the Italian mystics, been imparting to their people in recent times, and why were they being 'attacked'?

In the 'World Turtle' Visions that included a boulder, it mentions that 'the end was coming for the small monks in brown', plus a lot more. [2] As we know the monks in brown, also apply to St Francis and the existing pope and there are certainly changes afoot.

It is written that the boulders came upon the farm due to a landslide.

At the time of the receipt of the vision of the boulder given in 2010, people were advised to follow the 'World Turtle', and the world turtle is symbolic of conservation and the environment. It also relates to the indigenous peoples, and their defence of the eco-system of the planet. In the vision given, the world turtle was going in the opposite direction to the boulder.

Italy is in my East, as was the boulder, and the 'World Turtle' was going West. People were advised not to go in the direction of the boulder, and to go the other way.

The keynote of the turtle is motherhood, longevity, awakening and opportunities. It is also a symbol that represents an invitation for the blessings of both heaven and earth.

Author, of Animal Speaks Ted Andrews wrote about a Japanese legend, 'The Tale of Urashima'.

'A man stops some boys from picking up on a turtle. He chases the boys away, and helps the turtle to get to the water. Instead of swimming away, the turtle remains close and thanks the man. As a reward for his help, the turtle takes the man on his back deep beneath the ocean to the land of the King of the Ocean. He is honored and rewarded by the king, for the turtle was one of his favorite animals. He gives his daughter, a beautiful water sprite, to him in marriage. He finds true love for the first time.'  




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