
Saturday 1 February 2014

Angel of Light

There are times when we see and meet the lovely 'Angels of Light', that the LORD sends to us with a message. I was feeling low for a number of reasons, and a buxom lady came and spoke to me. She admired the coat that I was wearing, and I shared with her, that it was my mothers coat. When I wear it, it reminds me of her. The angel spoke of being elegant, and the words elegant, and elegance are beautiful words.

However, the message wasn't just about a coat, or what I was wearing. The message was much deeper, than that, yet, so simple, joyful, and effective in its delivery. It is the simplicity of the work, that I have shared over the years, that has created the effectiveness. It is written that 'elegant things exhibit refined grace and dignified'. 

Concentrating on the essentials of each timeline, with dignified grace, 'restrained beauty of style.'

The simplicity, was something that some academics had difficulty in accepting, and that created many challenges, especially from some academic men.

The requirement to focus on essentials, values, and good deeds. At the same time as keeping clients, students, friends and colleagues informed of activity. Progress and what was happening on the planet, the watchtower for the flock with a panoramic view, as mentioned in Micah 4. Daughter Zion, that was sent to the USA, and then returned from it, after the paraclete had made the visit.

The elegance of the methodology, its simplicity in action, the power of its effectiveness, and ability to reach audiences, and help people with where they are in their evolution. The Angel of Light did bring a smile to my face today, she did cheer me up, with her great big smile, and the love that beamed from her eyes.

I knew in my heart, that she had been sent to speak to me. The purity of something so simple, that it can mean so much. I remember in the Rev 12 timeline when the holy mother said, 'You do not have to share your wisdom, you can just share your heart'. And so it was, I always did my utmost to do either, or, both together, depending who I was with. Whether I was in a professional capacity, or just being with friends.

The mother gave wise counsel, and I enjoyed being in her presence. In fact, I felt utterly blessed by her magnificence, yet humble simplicity, and truly honored to be able to communicate with her.

From the history of, and evidence of my life experience, Angels of light often arrive at pivotal points in your life. The point being, the elegance of simplicity, that is still viewed in a dignified way, in the eyes of those that can see it. Beauty truly is in the eyes of the beholder, and it is truly heavenly, when you see the angels that appear before you, as they suddenly arrive.

They can come for a moment in time, that makes all the difference to where you are on your journey, and especially, your direction in life. They often remind you of innocence, joy, and the love that you are. As the Son of Joseph once said, 'Forget me not'.


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