
Friday 31 January 2014

Medulla Message

Heavenly Father said, "MEDULLA', compelled to post it, as there is a location in Florida, USA, with the name. In Leon, Spain, there is also Las Medulas, the ancient Roman gold mines.

As soon as I was about to post it where Americans would see the message, I felt very, very hot, it felt like a fire. Medulla in Latin means 'marrow', and that is also to do with the cause of truth. Medulla can also to be with the hair shaft, and mines have shafts. We also have the 'Medulla Oblongata', and its location is in the higher part of the brain stem, and it impacts on functionality including the heart rate. Scientists say that it functions without thought. The temperature became cooler, and now it feels hotter again. Much hotter, the fires are blazing.

In 2004, Bjork brought out an album called 'Medulla'.

If I receive anymore information on this message, I will post it. The imagery in the Bjork video reminds me of an article that was provided after people were warned not to 'fire the grids'. The article was about the spiritual law, what people do, how they do it, and the consequences of their actions on themselves and humanity.

It was distributed in 2007/8, and the LORD gave a very powerful message in its regard, due to their innocence, in respect of the spiritual law and their co-creation.

Biblically, the marrow is mentioned twice. In Job 21 it mentions the optional ways that people pass over,  and I was compelled to write about that the other day. Whether their children will sing their praises for all of their good deeds? Will they write poems and stories in honor of their fathers, and what they did to help the children of the future?

What will be their legacy to the children of the world, what will the children of the future say of their ancestors? Will they be able to say that they saw the soul leave to the sound of church bells, and the sunshine streaming through the window? Will they be able to say, that they were loved until the very last moment in time? And even after they've left the planet, that they had the ability, and were enabled to communicate with a different realm of existence?

'For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.' Hebrews 4:12 

An event will happen, and many will feel that they cannot endure anymore. The pressure upon humanity to change their ways, is increasing, and it is incredibly serious.

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