
Friday 31 January 2014

Happy Year of the Horse

The Feng Shui Society share with us that 'before the moon waxes to full roundness, it will be Li Chun. the arrival of spring, on February 4th. Li Chun is the start of the Solar New Year and it is when astrologers using the full natal 'Four Pillars of Destiny' consider the year of the Horse to start. according to the sun rather than the moon'. [1] 

For those born in the Chinese year of the Horse, it is certainly full steam ahead, as 'the Horse comes galloping from the south to rule the year. It would be a shrewd move not to upset the ruling sign of the Chinese zodiac.'. 

Galloping from the south to rule the year, reminds me of the 'Queen of the South', and this rider certainly loves to ride horses. Usually, a great year for yours truly, although there is a lot to do, including a spring clean, and house clearing, that includes the wardrobe. Looks like computer will have to go to the technician, and there are other aspects, to get sorted to do with vehicles that travel. It doesn't look like I will be driving in time for my Aquarian birthday, and that has to be addressed.


Its bound to be a good year for the mystics, and I hope my generation are ready for the rider, rides again. One of my closest friends was also born in the Chinese Year of the Horse, so it looks like it will be an interesting year for us both. When the power and spiritual energy is in the year of the horse, it is not a good time to take on its rider, because the rider will have the measure of you, you can be sure of that.

Its a 'Wood Horse' year, and as the LORD said last year, 'TAP ON WOOD'. So will the Queen of the South being riding bare back? Will she be standing upright on the back of the horse? Will she be the observer of it, and the realities that pertain to it? Will she be found working in the fields of consciousness, will she be healing horses and those in the 'wood' energy? Or will she return to the mystics, divine guidance, and spiritual counseling? Whatever is in store for her, it is bound to be a new year, with some obstacles to jump. Chris certainly made them jump at the start of 2014, exactly as the prophecy predicted.

Some people do have heads like 'blocks of wood', I was fond of knocking on them, when I found them, and I would say, 'Is there anyone in there?'.

When the Queen of the South was in Jerusalem, she put the block of cedar wood at her feet, to bring the energy of the sun into Lebanon, and the planet itself. In the power centre of the planet. I carried the cedar all the way through Jerusalem, when wearing the golden gown. Hence, it feels like this year, 2014, seven years later, will have a powerful impact on the nation of Israel. 2014 also adds up to seven,  and the Jewish sages say that the ZAYIN, is the 'woman of valor'. It does bring agriculture, so farming is bound to be a subject, in discussion as well.

It is a year to focus on quality, conserve and preserve your energy. Quality horses win the best cups, so there is bound to be some good presentations this year, and some classy moves, by some of the very best professionals that humanity has to offer. In 2013, I did a painting for a man in my locality, it was shown in the painting, that he could only proceed with his dreams after May 2014.  There was a man above him, that was stopping the progress for humanity, and that he would be taken out of the way.

2014, in gematria, includes the following:

'Positive vibration', 'Stones of Precious Water', 'Your Heart Knows', 'My Faithful Witness'. 'The Restoration of the House of David'. A good year for the UK.


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