
Thursday 30 January 2014


The heavenly Father is speaking about the 'Space Probe', and the European Space Agency report that 'Rosetta is still on course'. They also say that if ESA succeeds, Rosetta's findings could be some of the most valuable on the early history of our solar system.

They're calling it a 31 month napping to save energy.

However, I say to you that it was about energy conservation and conservation of resources, that is why he put her Lotus Feet up. When they arrived on the moon, she had the moon under her feet.

So one can view it in terms of having a different posture for a different reason and purpose. All part of the divine plan, to reach different people, at different times, for different reasons.

The reporter from the New Statesmen, say that 'It's a funny thing, waiting ten years to see if something you fired into space is still alive. Twitter didn't exist when Rosetta launched but when the spacecraft woke up, the ESA dutifully tweeted "Hello, world', in each of the 20 languages of the member states'.

The other news related to the New Statesmen is that, Russell Brand declares that he is having a serious relationship with Jemima Khan. Ex-wife of Pakistan's cricketer and Islamic politician, Imran Khan.

'Brand and Khan' hey, will she become Jemima Brand? Will Khan give Brand what the American Christian Perry didn't? A baby, a bundle of joy? Its an interesting combination in many ways, the class of Jemima and the cockney from Thurrock, an iconic couple, two souls intertwined as one.

Could it work long term? That depends, Brand has been ready to settle down for a long time, he was looking for the right woman, to help him to fulfill his dreams. Are they compatible for the long term, is the question.

Is Jemima exciting, and adventurous enough for Brand's intellect, and passion for life and the poor? I have always said that he is better suited to marry a person from England, due to the difference in values between the USA and the UK.

However, marrying into the family of Jemima, could be to constraining for the free Spirit that is Brand.

Will they 'Khan the Brand', with a Khan to incorporate him? I don't feel so. He is all grown up now, he has had plenty of experience of women from different cultures, to know, he is now, a man.

The other news from the New Statesmen is the headline, 'Making Music is a social contract'. 

'As a composer what can you do about it? You have to bear witness'. Great line.

I like the way that the writer mentions 'Regents Park', and Beethoven. [2] In many ways, the RAB was like Beethoven, and he stopped speaking in Trafalgar Square, where the Napolean statue is, he never shared why he stopped speaking publicly.

Was it after he spoke in Hyde Park, and all the men went back to work due to the way that the charismatic speaker spoke to them? Is it because he could see far into the future, and he knew that his children had to be with their Dad, so that they would know what to do, when the time came?

I wonder if he received a warning? There were many given on his journey of his life. [2] Is that what Brand is getting from Khan? A warning and or wisdom? There are different types of warnings, and it is important to comprehend the difference in them. It requires a professional to write a composition, an article or a symphony.


There are different ways to probe, observe, different ways to teach and to learn. However, integrity must be in place in the being, of that which it values, truly in its heart. At the end of the day, the Son of Joseph, valued the life of his children more valuable and precious, than the improvements and changes that he wished to see in the world. How could those that sought to destroy him, ever comprehend the power of the love, that he had for his wife and children? How more selfless can a man be, than to put his wife and children first? Well they did know what made his heart sing, and they knew how to impact upon his voice for the people. 

However, the Son of Joseph also knew, that he had a heavenly contract with his children, he had to prepare the future generations, for what was coming upon the new generations that he had given his seed to, in the best way that he knew how. He gave both his children plenty of sunshine,  and he always said that 'the sun shines on the righteous'. After he passed over, he said, 'Forget-me-not' and that held a very important message in different realities. I never did forget all of his goodness, and or the sheer power of the man, to follow his heart of love. 

The golden light of Christos shone all over him, and from him, until the day came when he was made redundant, and many of the people that he had helped during his life, turned against him, and his home. 

So why did they do that? What was their motivation? It shouldn't take you long to work out the moral of the story. Where was his lateral support from the guys when he required it? Were they happy at the end of the day, with their co-creation? 

Did they still have their human dignity? Did they pass over in a dignified way? Did they leave the planet to the sound of Church bells, with the sun streaming through the window? Did they leave in the presence of the light and love of wisdom? Were they loved to the very last moment in time, and after they left the plane of existence, that he was on? 

Did any of their children honor their fathers, with poems and stories, and the truth of good deeds, to pass on to the next generation? So that they would know the sheer love of their ancestors and what they did for the children of the future? Did they sing songs of praise, for the one that loved them beyond measure? Or will their children remember what their dads did to the Son of Joseph? 

Forgiveness I treasure, and I hope that everyone can find it in their hearts to forgive, for as it is written, 'The depth of your forgiveness, determines the depth of your love'. Sacred Words 

The Son of Joseph once said to me, 'I will be waiting for you, when you pass over, I will be waiting for you'. He said that he wouldn't reincarnate, that he would wait until we were united again.  

As the LORD said, 'Your love is as deep as the ocean, and as tall as a tree'. 

I was blessed with lateral support, I was blessed with some great guys, that understood the spiritual journey that I was on, and they truly knew my heart is sincere and genuine. For how could it be any different, when it is truly divine? Some of them have passed over now, and their names are lit in the heavens of my book of life. 



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