
Thursday 30 January 2014

More than ONE Soul?

One of the cases of health condition's that I looked at for a man about a decade ago. 

It was shown to me that there was another 'soul attached' to him. That soul had been with him since conception. It is a well known fact that two eggs usually fertilize, and one of those eggs usually leaves the womb before the eleven week scan. However, in this case, the soul from the other egg had stayed with him on an energetic level. Hence, he was two different people, a different person at different times. 

It was also shown to me, that the soul that was 'attached' to him, a soul that could have been his twin brother, had it gone the full term of pregnancy, wished to leave and it didn't know how to do it. 

It required help to go to the light, as I am writing this the heavenly Father is saying, 'entropy', again. 

Spiritual and shamanic healers are aware that people can experience 'attachments' from other souls, and it can impact on their personalities, deeds and actions. It can also impact on their health conditions. 

What happens is that the soul that wished to be released, will create all sorts of situations to get the attention of the person whose body it is. The point is to get their utmost attention, and purest intention, so that the power of love can help that soul to go towards the light. Only through healing consciousness, does one find the cause of truth. 

If there is two souls occupying the same space in that way, it can cause all manner of issues, especially if people drink to much, or are taking anything that can impact on their consciousness. e,g. medication or drugs. 

As we know 'entropy' is to do with 'thermodynamics', to understand entropy, you have to 'understand how and why information changes, as the system evolves from its initial condition'. 

The same can be said of a child. We know from experience that past life memories that souls bring back with them, to this lifetime can impact on a child and what it is afraid of. 'Phobias', of any kind also have a history of memories from past lives. However, if the energies of two different souls are impacting on a physical being in a single life time, the memories of both could impact on that person, as such, they have many more past live memories to deal with. 

Until the soul consciousness of the other reincarnation leaves the body, due to the force of love and light to do so. Depending on what methodology is implemented, a healer could help the person via a Reiki healing training course, to push out that other soul with the power of love and light of the soul that is meant to be incarnation. However, it is important to note, that even after the soul has left the body, it could linger in the auric fields, until such time as it is sent with love to the light. 

Depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, and health conditions created, it might also be necessary to implement other methodologies to ensure that the two different energies are completely divorced from each other. 

To truly free up, both the energies to move on freely. It is hands on work, for the healer with the client, one-to-one. It requires people with real experience of these realities to do this great healing work.  

I have also seen the energy of babies in the auric fields of women, prior to them getting pregnant. Once a soul has chosen its mother, it awaits there for the opportunity to arrive for it to come in.  

So how can some people resolve some health conditions, if they have no interest in what is required to heal their consciousness? 

'Healing is the path of salvation and love is the way'. Sacred Words

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