
Wednesday 29 January 2014


28th January, 2014, my son's birthday, and it is the day of 'outstanding achievements'. On his birthday, his best friend came to see him, Chris. We hadn't seen him for a few months, so I gave him his mandala when he arrived. It was a surprise for him because he had come to celebrate the birthday of his friend. Yet, he also received a gift. Chris also gave me a gift of a bottle of Rose wine, and that held its own message.


The rose wine reminded me of Rosa, and I asked the LORD to let my giving be the blessing for her eyes, that were to pure to look at what the medical profession had done to her son for many years.

I once carried a bouquet of perfect red roses, that I had been given, by a man that was born in South Africa. At the airport, a woman working there admired the perfect roses, she was pregnant at the time. She asked me where I had been, and I shared the location with her. The African-American, smiled and shared how that was the same location in Florida where she was married. She also shared the name of the location where she was going, and she said, 'you must go there'. I smiled in response, because it was the same location that I had been given previously. A divine location, for a divine purpose.

In Rosa's painting, I see the energy of her two children, as the healing energy being sent to the foot. Her  children came to my home, and his sister and mum, knew that the young man would be safe with me. We have stayed in touch, all of these years, how blessed we are, that the LORD brought us together for divine purpose.

'Lot lifted up his eyes and saw all the valley of the Jordan, that it was well-watered everywhere'. Gen 13:10

'Know well the condition of your flocks', Proverbs 27:23. How does one come to know well the condition of any existence? By working with it, and experiencing it, especially, divinely. For when a holy healer works with the people, we receive divine guidance and miracles abound. However, it is easy for a spiritual alchemist to see the condition of the flocks, by the words that they write, and whether they shine like stars. By their deeds and actions, one can see and know, a lot about the condition of a person.

'masters of these collections, are like well-driven nails; they are given by one Shepherd'. Ec, 12:11

'That they may see and recognize, and consider and gain insight as well. That the hand of the LORD has done this, and the holy one of Israel has created it'. Isaiah 41:20

It is the cause of truth, the justice seat of Lotus Feet.

'All of your sons will be taught by the LORD, and the well-being of your sons will be great'. Isaiah 54:13.

'Tell them the days draw near, as well as the fulfillment of every vision'. Eze 12:23

This is my beloved son's birthday, in whom I am well pleased. For he is resounding peacefulness and lovingkindness like his mother. It is an honor, to say that he came from my womb, and my flesh and blood. The life number of 31, the age that he is can bring forth a high intellect, and genius. They are very sensitive to the natural world and those that they love.

31 is also the numeric of the hermit, the recluse that is self-contained. Its a self-sufficiency, that is enabled by high intelligence and we know, intelligence comes from the heart.

Peacefulness and quiet is measured to be of great value, to both my son and I. It is a great gift to truly be in resplendent peacefulness. In our heavenly world and reality of peacefulness, all is well and lovingkindness in the being, we live, one day at a time.

I am being reminded of a dream that I had in 2013, about being levitated up. After I had been levitated up beyond the ex-husband. The LORD laid me gently onto my bed, and put his healing hand on my back.

The lateral and heavenly support that has been given is immense, in so many different spheres of influence. As I wrote today, what is natural depends on the circumstances, and how you view that which is natural.

How many women did turn the other cheek, and fulfilled the prophecy? Is the godmother, the daughter of the King of the South?

No, this is the blog of daughter ZION, the wondrous woman came from heaven.


Daniel spoke of the end of days, and what would happen, Dan 11:22 predicted that 'the overflowing forces will be flooded away before him, and also the prince of the covenant'. Most orthodox Christians view Jesus as being the new covenant. Interesting, that the verse has two master numbers, also the fact that Ariel Sharon passed over in Israel recently.

The heavenly Father is speaking of the 'Nurse', the Nurse? Rosa's daughter? The Reflexologist? The clinician that taught nurses how to be nurses? The midwife in Israel? Which one heavenly Father? Is my son a nurse? Sounds like the nurse is first, my son came first in my life when he was born, and I am first in his life now.

'The one, has well as the other'. Ec 7:14

I should do a mandala for Rosa's daughter. Here is her brothers mandala, I must get around to sending it to him. His mother, sister and I, never gave up on him. Their utmost attention and purest intention, made sure that he gained his freedom to live as the LORD intended, close to me in his heart. He holds me in his heart, and I hold him in mine. It was divine providence that the family were brought into my life.

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