
Monday 10 February 2014


In 2013, two of the Ravens from the 'Tower of London', were 'killed by a fox' and there is an English legend of a prophecy that relates to the birds. The names of the birds were 'Jubilee and Gripp', the birds were replaced, and it is planned to keep the birds in a more secure environment. What it actually means is that they're doing their utmost to stop the birds from dying or leaving.

Why is so much effort being put into 'clipping the birds', so that they cannot fly away? Prophecy says that if the birds leave the 'Tower of London', then the British monarchy and its 'tower' where people were executed will tumble.

Maybe the rain that created the floods in the United Kingdom is to raise the water to a high level, so that the birds at the ancient 'tower of london', are gone. For when they're gone, so is the historic British monarchy, and the United Kingdom as it is known today. The ancient prophecy spoke about what happen if the birds flew away. As we know Scotland is also talking about leaving the United Kingdom,   if the nation of Scotland left, how could it then be a united kingdom? Would the flag change?

Biblical prophecy warned about the time when there were two kings, and how it would cause a 'wasteland'. Charles and William are names of two kings. In the last election, two men also shared office in the UK.

If the LORD chooses for those birds to leave, maybe the rain is the way of doing it. How many times can they replace the birds, and clip their wings? If the LORD keeps on sending the rains, eventually, the 'tower of london' will be flooded, and the birds with it.

They can't clip the wings of the birds forever, the birds have an important job to do. Where would Noah have been without the birds? Or how about Elijah or Jesus himself?

Maybe they should've listened after all, because there has been sign, after sign, after sign. Even the ancient palaces, cannot withstand consistent rainfall. Eventually, it takes its toll on the fabric of the buildings, and what it contains. In the same way as the heat of the sun, impacts on the roads built by man.

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