
Monday 10 February 2014


Well this woman has caused a stir at All Saints Church in Northampton. A semi-nude woman projected onto the the Church clock tower. You could say that its back lit, and do clock the time on the clock that is in the position of the legs that move. 

As we know a clock has movement and the hands tell us what time it is. Hence, its a sign for the Church, and for the saints, the watchtower for the flock arrived in perfect timing. I must admit I like the golden glow, nice touch. 

30 feet high, and 30 is to do with the spiritual law in the NT. The gematria value of the LAMED, in the ancient pictographs it is the shepherds staff and looks like a letter J.

The man responsible for its appearance on the Church clock tower, said, '“We did not mean to cause offense in any way at all, and it was purely meant in good spirit.' [1] 

Its such a great sign for the Church, they should all be celebrating, she's arrived. How much bigger do the signs have to get? The country is flooding, and then this happens, big smiles. The LORD certainly has a sense of humor. The water is rising, did the saints get the memo, she's in the UK! 


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