
Monday 10 February 2014


Last night the heavenly Father said, 'Politics is the bane of your life', and I pondered on its meaning deeply.

It is written that 'Bane is a very ancient word, recorded in the Old English Chronicles as early as circa 800, and the word in those times meant 'murderer'. The bane of one's life in those days was a very real threat to one's existence'. [1] 

So how did 'politics' become a reality in modern times for the people themselves? Where did it begin? Human rights activists standing up to the so-called gentry. Suffragettes standing up for women's rights and equality with men, etc. Children were taught that it was essential to 'vote for the politicians' and in so doing, they were voting for the 'bane of life.

When people are consciously aware, they come to know that they are all on the same side, just wearing different 'hats and masks'. They take the innocent, like singer Kate Melua, and engage them in supporting their 'politics' against nations. For instance they sent Kate Melua to Afghanistan to be with the British troops.

Who gave the Brits permission to enter Afghanistan? Did the godly give them any such permission to do so? Did the people of Afghanistan give their whole consent, to the 'politicians' of the United Kingdom to do what they do? No!

Kate Melua in Afghanistan

How can a judge be impartial, if they have a 'political' allegiance to left or right, and its policies? How can a judge be impartial, when 'politicians' are involved in creating laws that impact on the people without the consent of the people, that it impacts upon? 

When I was divinely sent to Israel, I went with an open mind and heart, to meet with the spiritual at the holy gathering, on the holy hill. During the three weeks that I was there, I did not bring forth any talk of any 'politics' and nor did they. 

The reason for being there was all about, and for the cause of love. To understand, to comprehend, to feel, to touch, to hold, to taste, to heal, to give my love. When I left Israel, I kept their love in my heart, and hoped that they had kept mine. 

When I started work at the age of 15, I did not follow in the footsteps of the Son of Joseph, and go where 'politics' was active.  I was drawn to follow my heart, and live and love, what I do in my work life. Due to our work life being a very important aspect, and a large part of our lives for most of our lives.

When I left working in London companies, in my late 20's, one of the reasons was due to the 'politics', and what happens when you reach a certain level in a company. What that co-creates, for those that are looking to 'climb the ladder of success'. 'Climbing the career ladder', was never my intention, I just loved being there, and because I loved what I did, for a living, success came naturally. 

Does it remind you of the work of Jesus, doing what he loved? Healing creatively, and spreading the love? Living in a creative environment can be a very powerful healer, it can take you to places in your creative expression, that you have not been before. 

I began working in the creative industry, because I loved working in a creative environment, with awesomely creative, and lively people, that could go beyond what had been done before. Inspired by its sound of music, and the loving nature, of most of the people that were there. 

People expressing their creativity and loving what they did. It was a career choice that brought forth my natural talents, skills and acumen. They loved me, and I loved the people, that I was blessed to be with. 

My work life, full-time, was born in love. That is why, when 'depressed children' were brought to me to find the cause, one of the questions, I would ask them is 'What do you love?'. 

So how did 'politics' come into my spiritual life, after I moved away from London? 

It really began with the spiritual freedom campaign, when the 'politicians', and their 'lawmakers', were engaging in the 'regulation' of complimentary medicine and energy therapies.  When the 'corporations',  began to impact on that which is natural, e.g natural remedies etc. They were even planning to 'regulate meditation', so that you had to have a college education, with a diploma, to run a meditation group. 

Then there was 9/11, and what that co-created, impacted on the world. Even innocent children where asking their mothers 'Why is there a war?'. 

After that, an American mystic who was also a journalist, asked for my support to stop President Bush being re-elected. 
Due to the events of 9/11, and the wars in the Middle East, I agreed to help Robert Rabin, with many other spiritual people. After George Bush was re-elected, Robert left the USA, and I never heard from him again, after that. 

The rest is history, due to being sent to the USA to warn spiritual people in advance of what was coming upon its nation. It was compassionate action, and the love of people, that enabled the work with the Americans. Even posting the first article on a American forum, was due to the power of love for people. 

While I was experiencing everything that I have in the social networks since the turn of the millennium, it was the love that got me through. The love that I am, and have always been, my Spirit and heart was strong, so they could not turn me into, what they wished to turn me into. This free Spirit never did go through 'academia', and in many ways, that was my saving grace, even when grace was under pressure. 

The essential power of love saw to it, that I could never leave it, for any length of time. Even when I nearly did so, it was very close. My heart and Spirit, would just not allow me, to step out of my heart of giving. The heavenly Father is saying, 'It was a just cause'.  

The last days of the end times, have not been easy, neither have the nights been easy either. Spiritual people always knew, that it would be that way. Yet it wasn't until it really began to impact on our realities of love, that are natural, that we began to look it at all, very seriously. 

The only way forward is the power of love, and doing what you love in the cause of love that is just.  The compassionate action, that always was the motivation, that was compelled by love, and divinely guided. 

Thank you for listening to the interview on 2022. After you've pondered deeply on what I have shared. Maybe, we can do the Q & A with the power of love in our hearts. 

The only way humanity are going to get through the greatest transition of humanity, is with the power of love. I know it, due to the experience of it. You know it as well, deep within your hearts, for the heart knows, due to the Spirit of its intelligence. Energy therapists know, that energy is intelligent, it knows where it has to go, and the heart is its seat. The seat of intelligence is the heart, only those that live in their hearts, truly know it, and experience the energy flow to where it goes. 

“On that day I will make the clans of Judah like a firepot in a woodpile, like a flaming torch among sheaves. They will consume all the surrounding peoples right and left, but Jerusalem will remain intact in her place." 
Zech 12:6 

So let them be consumed with the power of love, for you all have it to give. Shall the word 'politics' and 'politicians' be 'blotted out' of the book of life? Shall the words be redefined and replaced with new ones? For what shall be done with those that 'murder' others, without cause to do so? 

What can be done, with those that created them to do what they do, including those that support it, due to their innocence of their co-creation? 

I for one, shall not vote, nor shall I register to vote. I shall not willingly give my signature to either side, written by my hand, to any reality other than the existence in the power of love, that is the point of life. 

To experience it, and know its power truly, for when you know the true power of love, you live in humility of its power that manifests the most amazing miracles. 

Many spiritual people agreed that the 'politicians', are a reflection of humanity, and some of the ways of humanity. As such, it is imperative that humanity itself, makes the positive changes, that are essential for the survival of existence on this planet. However, we're also aware of the 'social engineering' that the 'politicians' have been engaged in, activity that co-created what humanity became. So what came first the 'cart or the horse?' Jesus said, 'they put the cart before the horse'. 

As we know, the 'religions' are also heavily involved in 'politics', as such, those 'politicians', have an important choice to make. So the choice is, are you going to be godly in the power of love, or are you going to be the 'bane of existence'? 

As I have warned many times, now is the time of recovery or extinction, shall you help humanity to recover its sanctity, and its joyful innocence, in the power of love? Are you going to assist humanity to come into conscious awareness of the co-creation?

Choose wisely, for the innocent and gentle hearted depend upon it. All of humanity depends upon the power of love, for you cannot live without the power of love, and its universal life force, that can heal nations.

There is some planetary activity that we cannot change. However, we can change ourselves, to live in harmonic concordance with the planet, and all of its inhabitants. Peace will be your governor, and well-being will be your ruler. A just cause of the power of love, and its justice seat.

For it is proven, again and again, that only in merciful and compassionate actions, can humanity move forward into a new direction, with a more healthy reality for humanity. Only in merciful actions, can humanity raise its vibration into a new reality, that is worthy of a humanity, that honors the power of love.

May peace be with you all, in the power of love, that brings blessings in abundance.


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