
Sunday 9 February 2014

Olympics 2014 Prophecy

I have been contemplating whether I should post this. However, its already been shared somewhere else, so why not here? There has been a shooting in a Russian Orthodox Church cathedral in the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Press report says that a nun died, a parishioner and six others were wounded. [1]

Russia's Sakhalin Island is in the Pacific on the eastern coast. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church honored the 'dead as heroes'. I suppose they would, wouldn't they, bearing in mind what the Church has taught, about the 'death of Jesus'. Do the Russians even read the scriptures? The bible warned that if they built upon the foundations of Jesus, with building materials, then they would burn in the flames.

So how can that cathedral be referred to as a 'temple of God' as the head of the Russian Orthodox Church says it is?  When Jesus told his true followers that they are the temple, e.g. their bodies are the temple. When did a temple of God become a hero? Do you comprehend yet?

What do temples of God do? They save lives, and are co-creators of miracles, they heal people, and receive divine revelation. They provide safe shelter for others, and comfort when required, they feed those that require feeding, give a drink to those that are thirsty, clothe those that require clothing. Put a roof over the the heads of those that require homes, fund the poor, when they have the money to give to them. The temple of God is a charitable being, compassionate action, divine love in manifestation, a being of peace and wholeness, that is lit up with its natural light of love, that beams from the heart, eyes, hands and sounds.

On 23rd May 2011, I wrote about the Olympics stadium area in London, and the winter Olympics 2014, in Russia. A lot of information was shared at that time. It included a Nostradamus prophecy and an explanation of what it could mean. The blog post begins by giving the numeric of the quatrain, that adds up to 24. The press write up about the 'shooter' in the Russian cathedral, is said to be age 24.

The quatrain is as follows, and it seems to give a timeline for the floods and Olympic festivities. Somerset in England is completely flooded, at the same time as the Russian Olympics.

At the place where HIERON has his ship built,
there will be such a great sudden flood,
that one will not have a place nor land to fall upon,
the waters mount to the Olympic Fesulan.

Quotes from the previous post. 'The word 'temple' also appears in verse 14, John 2, but it derives from a different Greek word, hieron, a 'shrine'.

Now Prophet Isaiah spoke of the 'flaming torches' and we know, they light every Olympics with a flaming torch. Isaiah 50:11.

“On that day I will make the clans of Judah like a firepot in a woodpile, like a flaming torch among sheaves. They will consume all the surrounding peoples right and left, but Jerusalem will remain intact in her place. Zechariah 12:6 

There is a lot more in the original post if you wish to view it. [2]


West London is flooding, and 10 boats have sunk in a port at Cornwall. [3]




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