
Saturday 15 February 2014


I wrote the other day that I am in a six year in my life cycle, a sensitive year in the feminine energies for yours truly. It is also the six points of the 'Star of David' and does relate to the planetary energies when the planets created the 'Star of David' for the harmonic concordance in November 2003. A global event when the spiritually elect, and all of the angels celebrated around the world.

It was a biblical prophecy fulfilled, and my engagement with God, was ordained to be in Florence, Italy. I remember, I wore my riding pants, and boots that day, due to them being comfortable for traveling in. The sun shone brightly and warmly on that November day, and I was able to be seen in a bright pink tee-shirt with a message of peace and love upon it.

Today, there is news that a "Star is arising in Italy, to upend Italy's 'old order'".  New leaders are appearing on the scene, will they be able to do it? The young Italian, was a boy scout, and as an adult, it is written that he won the 'wheel of fortune'. Sounds like divine providence!

In the photograph of 39 year old, Matteo Renzi, he has his hands in the shape of the house. [1]

The biblical prophecies did predict that the old heaven and earth would pass away, and everything would be made anew. However, it is important to note what the heavenly Father said, 'Politics is the bane of your life'.

After there was a pile up of 100 cars in the USA, I wrote that there is a lot happening with cars, and there are people that would like to take my car. I have noticed that, if anyone, or anything tries to impact on the 'immovable rock', it is as the prophecy predicted, 'they injure themselves' and their 'nations'.

When will they learn about the spiritual law of the cosmos, and how it defends the holy, that have been sent by the LORD to help humanity? Americans would do well to read Isaiah 48, and comprehend what it means, along with Isaiah 59, and the Obadiah prophecy. Maybe then humility can be embraced by their nation, and positive changes can come to be. Isaiah 48 gives them a warning, and tells them to leave.

Yesterday, when interviews were being discussed in the public domain, wisdom provided a measure.

I asked them to consider whether you would be willing to live with the person that you are planning to interview? Ask yourself could you marry them? Therein, is the answer to whether a particular reality, should be given time that is precious.

In Kingsway, London, there has been a 'building collapse' onto a 'car', and I did wonder whether David Cameron got the memo. We know that he is busy with his 'eco-terrorism', 'funding', and being concerned about Scotland and its independence. I also noticed that, Cameron's government, have told the Scots that they 'can't have our pound', if they choose to leave the united kingdom.

Interesting to note that Scottish actor, David Hayman, is also getting more actively involved in 'politics' in Scotland.

So the advice that wisdom gave to others, I must also apply to myself, to hold the measure of well-being. The gauge and the barometer. I remember a time when, I was giving healing to a young girl who was training to be a naturopath. Bless her she was bereaved at an early age.  While I was giving her healing, she was given a song, 'Always look on the bright side of life' and I was compelled to sing the opening lines to her.

She cried, she had a good release, and she then shared with me that her dad, had sung that song at her sisters wedding.

Her dad had come through, for her, while I was giving her healing. That is the evidence of experience that the LORD speaks about. Evidence of life after death, that is so beautiful and uplifting for those that receive it.

So shall we return, and always look on the bright side of life? Can you share the evidence of your experience to give others the light of hope?


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