
Saturday 15 February 2014


Following on from the 'Fire Stone' post. [1] News  is that stones and rocks are flying, battering Dorset homes and paths in the UK. Two water towers at the Kew National Archives are also on fire. Its all going on south of the Thames. Psalm 78 speaks of the 'tents of Joseph', and the tribe of Ephraim, that is symbolic of the Christians, it can apply to Christians all over the world.

The storms in the UK, will certainly be impacting on the camping sites in the country. I also shared that India, Australia, and England are flushing. They're certainly having a clear out.

This lovely mandala was for a spiritual friend, an eight pointed star that is symbolic of Venus, and my Venus is in Pisces, kindness beyond measure.

There has also been a 4.4 earthquake at Edgefield, South Carolina, USA. It isn't just any earthquake, due to its close proximity to the Savannah River Nuclear facility. It is reported that officials have said that it has been the 'thirteenth earthquake in South Carolina over the past year'.

13 is also the numeric of daughter Zion's birthday, Jerusalem, 'the immovable rock'. I had a visit from Jesus today when I woke up, and he was pleased that I had made the announcement about the birthday of Zion, he described the action as class.

Apparently, the quake in America, happened the following day, and Psalm 78 also mentions Zion and David. It has already been proven that the name Judah, can be found in Egypt, and that could relate to the Copts. Psalm 78 speaks of David waking up, and it is a long time since we have spoken.

Always in my heart, the Egyptians and the Greeks. Of course, the Buddhists also had a strong presence in Egypt in ancient times. The therapeutae, there was a great book written by Elmar R Gruber and Holger Kersten called, 'The Original Jesus, The Buddhist Sources of Christianity'.

This bust of Jesus, was found in the remnants of an ancient Greco-Buddhist city, in Afghanistan.

As the Obadiah prophecy predicts, Jacob is the Fire, Joseph is the flame, and Esau will be stubble. Amos 8 also gave a prediction for the last days of the end times, and it refers to the 'pride of Jacob'.

'I will never forget anything that they have done'. 'Will not the land tremble for this, and all who live in it mourn? The whole land will rise like the Nile, it will be stirred up and then sink, like the river in Egypt'. 'I will make all of you wear sackcloth, and shave your heads. I will make that day like the mourning for an only son, and the end of it, like a bitter day'. 

This bodhisattva has been wearing sackcloth in many different colour's since the 90's, my son also shaves his head like a Buddhist. As we can see, there are many shaven heads all over the world.

I wonder what it will take, and how long it will take, for the people to start apologizing, and saying sorry as predicted? What will it take, and how long will it take, for everyone to start campaigning for all nuclear facilities to be closed down as requested? Or shall they ensure that the prophecy of Amos 8 is fulfilled when the ice caps go?

Isaiah 8 gave advance warning about the importance of the testimony of warning, and what would happen, if people didn't pass it on. It would impact on their nations, and all would be held responsible in the spiritual law of the cosmos.

Everyone was warned to turn their hearts to the children, and what would happen if they didn't.

Peace will be your governor, and well-being will be your ruler.

May my peace be with you.



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