
Friday 14 February 2014


The announcement was made of Zion's birthday, daughter Jerusalem, the 'immovable rock'. The word announcement appears in Isaiah 48. Its a great song from the 'Seekers', we shall not be moved.


'I told you these things long ago, before they happened, I announced them to you'.

'You have heard these things, look at them all, will you not admit them?'.

'Come near me and listen to this, from the first announcement, I have not spoken in secret; at the time that it happens, I am there'. The Sovereign LORD has sent me, endowed with his Spirit'.

Do you remember what the LORD said, 'To HE that understands the promise, there is no secret'.

The prophecy in Isaiah 48, spoke about 'speaking', and tells the people that 'I have not spoken in secret'.

What the prophecy is telling you is, that, I did not speak with a person that has the word, 'secret' in their name. Is that the only reason? Isaiah 48 explains about the USA, in Micah 4 it explains how daughter Zion, daughter Jerusalem, was sent there in the Micah 4 timeline. It came to be that the Philadelphia Prince of Peace Church burned to the ground, the Sovereign LORD had given his sign, that his paraclete had arrived on American soil.

Isaiah 48, shares with you that the Sovereign LORD chose his ally, that would carry out his purpose. 'I, even I have spoken, yes I have called him, I will bring him, he will succeed in his mission'.

Did you hear my voice? Did I call you? Isaiah 48 warns the people, and tells them to leave. Its no surprise that the chapter has the numeric of 48, as I was 48 years old, when I was summoned exactly as it was predicted in the scriptures.

America has been warned, that there is an 8 year budget plan, that gives prosperity to three nations. India, Australia and England. They were also pre-warned that 'red' sky at night shepherds delight, 'red' sky in the morning, shepherds warning'. No surprise then, that 2014, the timeline of the Olympics in Russia, and a post was made previously about the Olympics 2012-2014 and its prophecies. It included information in respect of the flooding in England, that the floods would mount the Olympic festivities.

Now David Cameron is saying that 'money is no object', sounds like he is flush with it, as the 8 year budget plan allows. As David is so flush with it, perhaps he would like to lift all 'austerity', measures from the backs of the poor, or face the consequences for not doing so.


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