
Friday 14 February 2014


Last night I was spreading the paint and this painting came to be. I wrote at the time that it looked like an 'oil spill', like a 'black wall of a tsunami'. Today, there is news of a volcanic eruption on the Island of Java in Indonesia. Over 200,000 people have been evacuated, and five airports have been closed down. So is this painting about Java? When I woke up on my birthday on the 13th February, I woke up, over-sensitive and I was crying, could it have been to do with this volcanic eruption? I had an immense feeling, that I just have to get away from the world, and I mentioned going to speak to the Buddhists about going to a Buddhist retreat.

I have also spoken of Mahakala timeline recently. Hinduism and Buddhism is still strong in Indonesia. There are temples everywhere, if I take everything into account, including what was written, I have to say that this painting is about Java due to the plumes that have been seen there.


The Daily Mail report that 'All families living within a six-mile radius of Mount Kelud were ordered to leave their homes as debris rained down'. Photographs can be viewed on their website.

I have just checked the profile, and it is written that it happened on the 13th of February, daughter Zion's birthday. It is reported that it happened at 22.50 local time. 22+50 = 72 and 72 is the age mentioned in the scriptures. It is written that Jesus said, that is the age that I would be when the work would finish. It began when I was 48 years old, exactly as the prophecy from Jesus predicted.

Daughter Zion's birthday.

Mount Kelud has erupted many times, so why do people live close to it?

The hottest spot on the ring of fire, scientists say that it is when the plates move that the volcanos erupt.

It was in 2010, that the LORD spoke about the 'tectonic plates moving' and the 'earth shifting'. He also spoke of the 'Tsunami of Pain', and within months the tsunami in Japan happened. At that time, it was recommended to people living in Japan to evacuate immediately. Although, they had been asked in the summer prior, 'when are you leaving Japan, you know what the prophecies say about it'.

The heavenly Father, is speaking of 'Evidence of Experience'. 

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