
Thursday 13 February 2014

Daughter Zion's Birthday

Interesting that the gematria value of 'Daughter Zion's Birthday', in Jewish gematria is 1698.

'98' was the year that I was sent to Australia for a year.

98 + 16 = 2014.

1698 is also the value of 'His Holy I am, that I am in love'. 'High Priest Yahweh', 'Holy Eternal Wedding', 'All words are numbers', 'Holy Daughter of Heaven', 'All the colors of the rainbow'.

'Come together for the great supper of God'. 'Crown of the Golden Sun', 'Bears the pitcher of water', 'Let us agree to love each other'.

If we then look at the gematria value of 'Daughter Jerusalem's Birthday', we have the value of 2130 and the value of that is 'God's most favored Angel ever', 'God's holy wedding of the millennium', 'the faithful will gain an understanding'.

21 for the 21st century and the numeric of 30 is to do with the spiritual law in the NT. In the Hebrew alphabet it is the 'Lamed', the ancient pictograph of the shepherds staff, that looks like a letter J.

As we know 2014 is a powerful year of seven, the ZAYIN, so it will be a powerful one for agriculture. The Jewish sages refer to the Zayin, as the 'woman of valor'.

In my own life cycle, I am in a 6 year, and as we know there're six points to the Star of David.

6 is about the feminine qualities, intelligent creativity, and it vibrates to the planet Venus, my Venus is in Pisces, the soft and gentle hearted, pure kindness. 'Its a new year of magnetic attraction, with genuine love from friends, family and associates that are true. A year of devotion, shown to those that come close. Nature motivated by the deep affection of the power of love, the romantic born, with sentiments and sentimentality that can be easily seen. Love, music, art, everything that is beautiful and harmonic.'  

Anne Christie also wrote that they are 'Docile and amenable, until crossed'.  Financially it predicts improvements, sometimes due to abilities and talents, sometimes through inheritance. It comes without effort. A year for being the hostess, and cooking and making meals for friends, it predicts social engagements.

Its an intuitive year, and a year of effectiveness. I did say, the other day, I should've listened to my intuition, and not eaten that chicken. My son was sick due to it, and I felt it strongly, my body didn't like the chicken. I did wonder whether chicken, will be removed from my menu this year. I can still feel the internal impact of it, in my body, as my temple continues to clear it out.

Its Zion's birthday, Daughter Jerusalem's birthday. Micah 4.


I have chosen this song, sung by 'Kathleen Battle', because my grandmother who took her middle name  Sophia, to be her first name, 'battled with heart disease, from the age of 14.'

It was only the power of her love that kept her alive, she had a powerful Spirit of God with her, a very strong divine will, and compassionate nature. She was so peaceful, and always happy and joyful to receive me.

After I left the family home, I still went to see her, as often as I could. However, she didn't live long after that, it was like she knew that her work was done, and it was time to leave the planet. It got to the point whereby, she gave up the will to live.

We shared a great love and talked a lot together. I always remember her saying, 'A little bit of what you fancy does you good', then she would put a large necturine or peach in my little hand! I hope that the talents that she gave me, returned to her with interest, and that she can look upon me this day, and is happy with her accomplishment.


As the LORD said, 'Tell them when you were born'.

13 x 2 = 26

The date, 13, is the hebrew gematria value of love.

The second month, the second instrument, the Harp of Faithfulness.

26 is the gematria value of the name of God.

The sun is shinning, and the skies are blue today.

Zechariah 12, spoke of Jerusalem and how she is an 'immovable rock'.

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