
Thursday 13 February 2014


Last night I began painting again, for the first time since December, I am pleased that I am spreading the paint again, with the prophetic art in time for my birthday.

I have called this painting 'Oceanic' and I asked the dolphins of unconditional love, is it worth it?

The paint spread, and if you turn the painting to the left, you will see how it looked to me when it was finished. I see the 'ocean of emotion', and I also see a giant blue whale like the sign of Jonah, impacting on a large sea creature that is impacting on the gold that is symbolic of the treasure. It feels like a 'war' in the oceans, and it is very emotive, like a 'war between kings'.

The film HERCULES comes out in March, followed by the film NOAH.

No surprise then that after this painting came to be, I saw the news about the statue of Apollo arriving in the sea at Gaza, and the statue was taken by the Islamic Hamas police, to examine it, and investigate from whence it came.  I have expressed my view about 'Apollo in Gaza' and what it can mean for the people that live there. There is a prophecy about Israel, and what would happen in the last days of the end times in Amos 8. Of course, that would impact on Gaza as well.

That part of the world is not a safe place to be in this timeline of the lead up to 2022, due to the environmental prophecies. No surprise then that 70% of Christians in Gaza have left the area, those of the light were guided to go to the west.


I felt over-sensitive today when I woke up, sad and tearful. When I feel like that, it is often the case that someone that I know is crying, and I pick up on their feelings, and what they are experiencing.

As the heavenly Father spoke of the 'Forlorn'. Its hard to accept what humanity have done, especially due to the 'atheists', that have been involved in ending civilization on the planet. They are willingly, and happy to accept the end of civilization, they would rather die, than change, to save the people and the planet.

What kind of existence is that? What kind of meaning of life is that?

In 2010, the LORD said, 'The die is cast'. Soon after that Michael passed over.

I was only young when I learned that people would love their money, more than me. I had been going out with a guy for a year, we made an agreement in the beginning that our relationship would be for one year. When the year was up, we had a holiday together in Spain. Around that time the man explained to me that if he married me, then his family would cut him off financially, and in every other way. He explained that if I ever left him, then he would be left with nothing.

So the LORD ensured that at an early age, I understood the importance of what was going on, on this planet, and why people make the choices that they do. Do they exist? People that can truly love the power of love more?

It is only due to the power of love, that the people are saved, and in so doing, the planet itself. For we're living on a planet that has a relationship with us, and us with it. Only in honoring the planet, and living in harmonic concordance with it, can humanity survive upon it.

The way I feel, I could just go away, and live in an Abbey, away from the world and its realities. Its no wonder that people went to live in monasteries. Many of those that anchored the light of love, lived in the sanctuaries. They had no choice, I was reading yesterday, about the 'Great Lavra' in Greece, and how in their library, they have one of the oldest manuscripts that features musical notes.

A birthday should be a joyful time. However, how can one be joyful, when one has to witness what humanity are doing? How can one be joyful, when the empath, is constantly feeling the planetary energies?

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